Chapter 18

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A few days later,

The drum of my pencil against my notepad was the only thing to be heard in the quiet office. The clock hanging on the beige walls ticked by, as I briefly glanced at it. The morning went by quick, and it was almost lunch time. It was filled with Eric's array of phone calls and sorting out emails, my ears and eyes were tired from it already.

Everything went back to normal, it was like Eric never stayed two weeks at my apartment. Once his assets got cleared, we never spoke about it again. The normal boss and assistant relationship resumed.

I grabbed my phone and quickly reminded Eric about his 2pm appointment at East Bank this afternoon, before 'Blurred Lines' would beat me to the punch. The boss wasn't in the office this morning, he was stuck in meetings and doubt he'll be in further today.

It's been some time since 'I threw myself out there' chatting up to guys. I hadn't used the first rule as yet but was about to when I got home. I wrote a reminder in my notebook to update my profile on the dating website and maybe add myself to a few more.

That's part of putting myself out there, right? "Baby steps," I mumbled. "Baby steps."

"Afternoon." A mellow voice greeted.

"Good afternoon." I said absent minded. I looked up from my computer screen and saw him. The IT guy!

My breath caught in my throat. "Hel-lo." I said and instantly stood up from my seat, fixing my lopsided spectacles. My hands started to sweat again, I grabbed my charm bracelet, tugging it lightly.

He smiled the sweetest smile I had ever seen. His warm green eyes brightened his face and brightened my day in the process. He was casual again, with just a jeans and pale yellow shirt. A breeze of calmness surrounded him.

I smiled, a cold frozen one. As my body stiffened in place. A complete opposite to his reaction. I immediately felt awkward.

"Uh, is Mr. Bolton here? There's a problem with the server, he wanted me to sort out?" He said smoothly. His voice dripping like butter.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but he won't be in today. He's the whole day in meetings I'm afraid." I replied nervously.

"It's okay. I'll come back again later this week." He said coolly. "If you can let him know I'll come around?"

"Yes of course." I eagerly replied.

He smiled and began to walk away. 

I stuttered searching for the proper words. I couldn't stand by and watch him leave. This was my opportunity, dammit! THROW YOURSELF OUT THERE!!!!

"Get 'em tiger" I heard Eric's voice echoing in mind. I shook the silly thought away.

I jerked forward clumsily. "Hey, what's your name... so I could let Mr. Bolton know?" I foolishly asked. Knowing full aware his name.

He stopped and turned around at the door. "It's Jake," he chuckled. "Jake Walker."

Such a handsome name, I warmly thought. My ears tickled at the sound of it.

"I'm Violet Harper."

"I know." He said, and my heart gushed. He knows my name! He knows my freaking name! "You Mr. Bolton's assistant."

I nodded a little to enthusiastically.

He smiled again, making my heart pop and making me smile like an idiot in return. "See you around." He said and disappeared out the glass doors.

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