Spill the tea

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The day started like it normally would. Peter woke up with a groan. His limbs were sore from training and patrol from the night before and he fell asleep really late, leaving him with only three or four hours of sleep.

Even though school was the last place he wanted to go to, he slowly got ready and then said goodbye to his aunt, who was eating breakfast at the kitchen table. 

The walk to school was uneventful for the first part but things started to go wrong when Peter's sense warned him of incoming danger. The teenager looked around, wary of his surroundings as his senses screamed at him that trouble was coming. As he saw nothing wrong around him, he kept going but kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. But everything seemed fine. Traffic was going smoothly, with a few honks every once in a while. People crossed the streets and actually paid attention to where they were going, resulting in no accidents.

Peter didn't understand why his Spider sense was acting up and where the danger could come from. But as he turned to the alley right next to his school, the hair on the back of his neck and on his arms stood up, his senses sharpened, and Peter was forced to stop to check his surroundings again. At this rate, he was going to be late for school, and he couldn't afford that anymore.
But school was soon the least of his worries as his senses screamed at him to turn around and attack. But even with his super speed, he wasn't fast enough. A wet towel was placed on his mouth and hands grabbed his wrists, holding them behind his back. His attacker wasn't strong but as Peter was about to try to break free, his head started to spin, and it became harder to breathe. Soon, he fell unconscious in the arms of his kidnappers.

Peter was woken up by the ice-cold water that was thrown at him. He coughed, spitting out the water that entered his mouth, and opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. He was in a cell made for dogs and his hands were tied together by a rope. The room he was in was completely grey and had no windows. A small lightbulb that hang from the ceiling provided for enough light to look around. There were no windows, and the door was protected by two huge men.

Peter started to panic. Why was he there? Who did they want? Peter Parker, Tony Stark's intern, or Peter Parker, Spiderman? But he reasoned that if they wanted Spiderman, they would've used stronger restraints, not the thin rope which meant that they didn't know about his super strength.

But why did they want Tony Stark's intern? The question was answered quickly, as the door opened, and a group of men entered the room. There were four men in front of him, not counting the two guards that were already in the room. Two of the men, the bigger ones, approached his cage and opened it, and then they grabbed him, taking him out of it. Spiderman could've easily broken free from their grasp. But in that moment, he was not Spiderman: he was Peter Parker, a scrawny sixteen-year-old boy. And scrawny sixteen-year-old boys could not break free from two bulky men. He had two protect his secret identity, even if it meant that he had to endure whatever they wanted to do with him. He just had to hope that Tony and the Avengers would find him soon and come to his rescue.

Peter was dragged to the center of the room. They untied the rope around his wrists, but it was quickly replaced by metal cuffs, that were attached to the ceiling by a long chain. They put the same cuffs around his ankles and those were attached to the floor. So now Peter was hanging from the ceiling, without being able to move his arms or his legs.

"Hello, Peter" the shorter man said, approaching him. "How are you feeling?" he asked, but Peter stayed silent, glaring at him. The man didn't seem too happy with him. "I asked, how are you feeling?" he repeated, but Peter kept giving him the silent treatment. The man looked to his right, where there was a man with a baseball bat. The man got close to him and hit him in his stomach with the bat. Peter grunted in pain, but he refused to speak. Those men were not worth his words.

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