Michelle Jones

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Michelle Jones was more of a loner.
She preferred to stay alone rather than being surrounded by lots of people.
She could count her friends with the fingers of just one hand. Because she had none.

Well, that was until Peter Parker and Ned Leeds came around.
They slowly became her best friends, not that she had any more friends.
But they were enough for her.

Michelle Jones, other than having no friends before the two boys came around, had no boyfriend.
She had no experience with dating or boys.
Not that she felt the need to.
She was independent and not like any other girl. She could do without a boyfriend and everyone knew that.

But as soon as butterflies started to dance around her stomach anytime she was with or even thought about a certain curly brown-haired boy, she knew that she had caught a crush. Her first crush on someone who wasn't related to her by blood.

She still remembers when she had a crush on her cousin.
It was her only male cousin and he was very attractive. Who could blame her?
But he was her cousin and ten years older, so it was illegal. So when she was just eight years old, she went through her first heartbreak.

But now the boy she had a crush on was in no way related to her nor he was not ten years older. Everything seemed perfect, right?
The only problem was that Michelle Jones did not know if he felt the same way.
And there was no way she could ask him about it.

Peter Parker has had only one friend in the seventeen years he lived. But he didn't complain about it. Ned Leeds was the best friend he could ask for and he didn't need anyone else.

That was until Michelle Jones came around and joined their group.
She was a great friend and soon Peter found himself crushing on his new best friend.

What was not to like?, He often asked himself. Curly brown hair, big brown eyes. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen and her personality was unique.
She was different from the other girls and he liked that.
She was perfect in every way. But there was just one problem: Peter didn't know if she felt the same way.
Peter didn't know if he had the courage to make a move. His head was full of 'what ifs' and his insecurities were taking the best of him.
Sure, he fought villains and stopped crime on a daily basis, but nothing was as difficult as confessing his feelings to a girl, in his opinion.

Especially if the girl in question was Michelle Jones.

It took a lot convincing from Ned, even Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff said their opinion on it, before Peter found the courage to talk to MJ.

But after he did, he discovered that it was more than worth it.

To say that Michelle Jones was surprised when she opened the door and found Peter Parker standing outside was an understatement.
She absolutely did not expect it.
Especially because he was dressed very nicely and he was holding a black dahlia, her favorite flower.
She observed his choice of clothes: black skinny jeans hugged his toned legs and a simple white shirt covered his torso.
She blushed as she remembered what she was wearing: an oversized grey hoodie and she had no pants on. She was barefoot and her hair was a mess.
"Hi" the boy greeted shyly. "I was wondering if you wanted, well, to go on a date with me," he asked. He was clearly nervous.
"I know I should've asked before coming here but I was busy organizing everything and it kinda slipped my mind. I'm so sorry. We can do another day, or I can cancel everything if you don't want to-" Peter was interrupted by Michelle, who smiled at him. "I'll get ready, " she told him. "You can sit on the couch if you want," she said. "Just put a pair of jeans on and some shoes. I like your hoodie" Peter told her. Michelle smiled again and ran upstairs to change.

Peter waited, sitting on the couch until Michelle came back.
He stood up and smiled at the girl. Then, they silently made their way out.
Peter guided her to his car. He opened the door for her and then get into the car himself.
He drove for almost half an hour and then parked. The two of them got out of the vehicle and MJ looked around.

Trees surrounded them. The air was fresh and you could smell the wet leaves.
Peter took MJ's hand and started walking into the woods. They walked for about ten minutes before they reached the spot Peter had chosen.
There was a waterfall in front of the green grass. Laying on the grass, there were a blanket and a picnic box. The trees were decorated with artificial lights.

They sat down on the blanket and they didn't talk for a good five minutes. They simply enjoyed each other's company.
Peter was lost in his thoughts, trying to think of something to talk about.

The silence was broken by Peter, who looked through the things he packed into the picnic box and brought out a notebook.
He timidly handed it to MJ, who took it and browsed it. She smiled as she saw all the drawings Peter had made. There were some of her, Ned and Peter together. Others were just of him and her or simply her alone. They were all well-drawn, Michelle had to admit.
"You're not the only one who likes to draw" Peter commented. "You can keep it" he added. MJ smiled gratefully at the boy, continuing to look through the pages. Her smile grew bigger as she reached the one where she and Peter were swinging through New York. MJ in Peter's arms, with a mask on to cover her face, and Peter with his Spider-Man suit on.

Peter had told her about her secret identity a year after they became friends. Or better, she figured it out all by herself. Peter just confirmed it.
Peter knew he could trust her, so he didn't even try to deny it.
MJ wasn't mad when she discovered. She knew he didn't tell her to protect her and that he didn't have bad intentions. Everyone had secrets that they don't want anyone to know.

Peter scooted closer to her. Their thighs touched each other and Michelle could feel her side burning from the boy's touch.

"There's something I want to do" Peter announced. It was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough for Michelle to hear. Goosebumps ran through her skin, making her shiver. "Don't want to sound creepy now, but it's something I've dreamt about for a while, but I could only draw it" Peter added. Peter turned the last page and MJ eyed the last drawing.
Michelle frowned as Peter got closer to his face. Her heart started to beat faster, her hands were shaking. She felt the butterflies that lived in her stomach fly around. "Can I?" it was just a whisper. Their faces were inches apart. MJ moved her head slowly and Peter connected their lips.

It was a gentle kiss, just like Peter was.
He didn't want to pressure MJ into anything and he gave her the chance to pull away with his if she wanted to.
He caressed her cheek sweetly. Their lips moved in synchrony.
They were starting to lose their breath but neither of them was going to stop soon.
They both had waited for this moment for a while and now they were finally kissing.

The first to pull away was Peter. He didn't go too far, though. Their foreheads were still touching, as the tips of their noses were.
Their breath was ragged and a big smile covered both of their faces.

The temptation to kiss her again was high but he decided that it was enough for now. He didn't want to overwhelm her and he wanted to give her time to think.

"Peter" Michelle started. Her eyes were still closed. She was replaying the scene in her mind.

But she, unlike Peter, could not resist and kissed the boy again. She brought her hands to his hair and shifted her body to be closer to Peter. She sat on his lap while they made out.

When they finally pulled away, some minutes passed before one of them started to speak.
"I like you, " Peter said. "If that wasn't clear enough" he added. He waited for her to react. She smiled at him. "I like you too" she answered.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" The superhero asked and the girl nodded.
"I think this is my favorite drawing" she stated, picking up the notebook and examining the drawing.
The two of them were kissing and in the background was the exact same waterfall and the trees with the lights.

The rest of the date was spent talking, laughing, and making out.
And Peter Parker was glad that he had finally found the courage to confess his feelings to Michelle Jones.

Hey! I'm sorry if it took so long but I had no ideas. This was a random idea that came into my head like an hour ago so I write it and this is what came out of it. I hope you like it because I do!
Let me know in the comments and leave a vote, pls :)

If you have any requests, send me a pm (is this how they're called?) or leave a comment. I'll try to write it as soon as possible.

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