Two Of Us- songfic

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Song for this chapter: Two of us by Louis Tomlinson

⚠️Endgame and FFH spoilers⚠️

It's been a minute since I called you

The phone beeped as the call was ended before it even started. He was soon sent to voice mail. He almost started crying as the familiar voice erupted from the phone, filling the silence.

Just to hear the answerphone

"You know who this is. I'm assuming you know what to do but if not, wait for the beep" Peter heard Tony's voice say and he felt a lump grow in his throat. He tried to hold back the tears.

Yeah, I know that you won't get this
But I'll leave a message so I'm not alone

He knew that it was useless. That Tony would never hear it and call him back. That he was just losing his breath. But, in that moment, he couldn't care less as he took a deep breath to calm himself and tried to decide what to say.

"Hey, Mr Stark" he greeted, his voice was unusually quiet and barely audible. He closed his eyes as he gathered his thoughts.

"I know that you won't get this but I felt alone today and, and I needed someone to talk to. I hope you don't mind. Pepper and Morgan are away on a trip to Venice. Morgan was so happy when Pep told her. They invited me too but I just didn't feel like going. The memories are still fresh even though it's been a year" Peter sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I can't believe it's already been a year. It feels like yesterday" Peter stared at the empty glass in front of him as he saw memories of the past year play in his mind. "I just wish you were here. Everything would just be easier, y'know?
Morgan misses you. Every night she asks me or Pep to tell her your story. I do, of course, but it hurts. It really hurts. Talking about you and knowing that you're not here anymore. That you're never coming back. I wish there was a way to bring you back. Maybe we can go back in time again. Maybe I can find a way to fight Thanos without you having to give up your life. I don't care about what could happen, I just want you here with me." Peter fought to hold back the tears that were making his sight blurry. His hands were trembling and he almost dropped his phone.

"God, I must sound so pathetic right now. I hope nobody listens to this. But it's just not fair. You've worked so hard to bring everyone back after Thanos snapped and not even half an hour later you're gone. I just don't get it. I miss you, Mr Stark. I miss you so much. And I know you hate when I call you that but bear with me, okay?" Peter laughed softly but his smile disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Sighing, he let the tears fall down, not caring anymore. He didn't have the strength to pretend to be strong anymore.

This morning I woke up still dreaming
With memories playing through my head

Peter awoke with a start. The room was still dark and he couldn't see anything. But he could feel that his cheeks were again stained with tears, which were still falling. "Fri? Can you switch the lights on, please?" he asked, with a trembling voice that made his request almost incomprehensible. But not even a second later, the lights were on and Peter had to close his eyes in order to not be blinded by them.
Even though he was awake, though, his dream was still playing in his head. The memories were vivid and not distorted and it felt almost like he was there again.

"Ouch!" Peter exlaimed, taking his hand away from the object like it burned him, which effectively it did. He blew in the spot where he was injured, trying to make it hurt less. Tony was working on a new Iron man suit and he let Peter help him. "Be careful, kid. It's very hot" the genius warned him, not even looking up from what he was doing. "Oh, really? I thought it was cold" Peter answered sarcastically. "Well, you thought wrong" Tony commented, holding back a laugh. "It still hurts" Peter let him know, pouting at his hand which was as red as a tomato. "Oh, poor Petey-pie! Do you want me to kiss it to take the pain away?" Tony joked. "Shut up, dude" Peter rolled his eyes at his mentor who was now laughing at his expression. "Is this the way you talk to a person older than you?" Tony asked, becoming serious all at a sudden. "I thought you didn't want to feel old, Mr Stark" Peter retorted. "That is, in fact, correct! I thought I told you to call me Tony" the billionaire stated. "And I thought you knew that it'll happen in like a million years, Mr Stark" Peter smiled innocently at the older man, returning to work. "Well, I least I tried" Tony huffed and gave up. "Can you pass me the wrench... Bro?" Tony asked. "Bro? Where'd you learn that?" Peter looked up again, eyebrows raised at his mentor.
"Nowhere. I'm young, y'know? I know this stuff" Tony responded. "Sure you do" Peter said.
"What do you say we go watch a movie? I'm not focused anymore and neither are you." Tony proposed, standing up. "Sounds good" Peter nodded. "Ok, Underoos, go pick the movie" Tony ruffled the kid's hair, smiling fondly at him before the latter ran away to get his Star Wars DVD.

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