Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good

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This was requested by Microwavepopcorntime. I hope it's what you wanted :) and I'm sorry if it's not.
Hope you all liked it and please lemme know, I'd appreciate it :)
If you have other requests, please don't be scared to send them. It may take a while for me to write them but I promise that eventually you'll be able to read them. I can (or at least try to) write everything except for Spideypool (I've never watched it and tbh I don't ship them), Starker (this ship disgusts me. Even if they have the same age. I could never see Peter and Tony as a couple) and honestly no ships in general except for Peter and MJ. Maybe once or twice I can write about one ship but honestly, I'm not good with that stuff. And the only person I ship Tony with (sorry if this sentence is grammatically incorrect) is Pepper, so no Stony, IronStrange or anything else, please. I don't have anything against them but I don't know how to write them and I don't want to ruin anything. So, for your own good, don't ask me to write one of these ships please, unless it's just on the background.
After this note that probably nobody will read, enjoy the reading and thanks if you'll leave a vote or comment something.
The Avengers know Peter as Tony's personal intern (or son). They do not know that he's Spider-Man.
I'm sorry if there are things in here that don't make sense. My fantasy seems to be gone :(

The Avengers were not pleased with the situation they were in- not that they had the chance to express it as they were still unconscious- but if they were awake, they would feel much more than unpleased, that goes without doubts.

How did they end up in that situation? That was a good question. And the answer wasn't that easy to find.

They were the Avengers. They were supposed to save people who got kidnapped, not be kidnapped themselves.

Who was supposed to save them if all of them were chained to a wall, unconscious and beaten to a pulp and above all in a dark room where they could not see anything and that could be in the middle of a deserted island? If nobody knew where they were and that they had been kidnapped in the first place? And who was strong enough to be able to save them from a group of people who had shown they were able to knock out not one but seven Avengers? (I know that I said that all of the Avengers has been kidnapped, but I don't know if I can handle eleven or more people in this story. I'd probably forget about one of them while I'm writing so I'm gonna pretend that Vision (who is still alive btw, don't want to kill anybody in this story) and Wanda left to spend time with each other, Bruce is away on a vacation on the other side of the world and can't come to their rescue right away and Thor is in Asgard (who still exists because I decide so). Last thing, Infinity war happened but Thor went for the head)

As to what had brought them to be kidnapped?

It was a normal day for the seven of them. They were just having bonding time as a team when it all happened. They were at a park not so far from the tower which was luckily deserted. Some of them were just sitting on a bench talking (Rhodey, Tony and Steve) while the others were playing in the playground with Peter, whom Tony had insisted to bring with them.
Peter and Sam were on the swings, competing with each other. Bucky was with them, watching as Sam insulted Peter because he was going way higher than him while Clint and Natasha were at the monkey bars.

They did not expect to be surrounded by a group of armed people who wore red masks. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing. Sam and Peter got off the swings and the former placed himself in front of the kid, in a protective stance, trying to hide him. The bad guys didn't say anything before attacking them.

They fought for about fifteen minutes, Sam and Bucky trying to protect themselves and Peter before they got knocked out by some kind of serum that they injected them with.
Peter felt guilty as he watched the Avengers fall unconscious, thinking about how he could have helped them if it wasn't for his secret identity. But the feeling of guilt soon disappeared as he felt himself falling to the ground.

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