Flash Thompson

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Eugene "Flash" Thompson did not like Peter Parker. And that was an understatement. He hated him, and everybody knew that very well.

He had spent the last two years taunting him, calling him names and shoving him against the lockers. And he did not have any intention to stop that. He hated him more than anything else in the world. If you asked him why, however, he wouldn't give you the real answer. "He's just a loser and he deserves it" he would simply say, before walking away.

He always saw him as the scrawny little kid who didn't have anyone but his aunt and his friend, who was a loser like him.

He always saw him as the kid that did everything great without messing anything up.

He always saw him as the lucky kid who had an internship as Tony Stark's personal intern, even though he didn't fully believe that story.

He always saw him as the kid that was always better than him, in every little thing he did and that was always loved by everyone. And he was bothered by all of that.

So, he decided to punish him. Punishing him for being kind. For being so perfect. For being loved. And above all, for being better than him. He called him names, even though he knew that they weren't even remotely close to the truth. He shoved him against the lockers of the high school, even though he knew that it was wrong. He sometimes punched him or kicked him, and boy, he perfectly knew that what he was doing was not okay and that the poor boy didn't deserve it. But he couldn't stop. He couldn't bring himself to stop being such a horrible person. He seemed addicted to that activity.He hated everything about him, and nothing could ever change his mind.

As he walked down the streets, he kept his hands hidden in his pockets, trying to protect them from the cold air. He looked down at his feet as he kicked some stones out of his way until he hit an object that was not a stone.

He frowned as he recognized the worn-out backpack that laid in the ground. He kneeled and opened it, examining the things that were inside and deciding that yes, it was, in fact, Peter Parker's backpack. He frowned, confused as to why it was there while its owner was not in sight. He looked around, looking for his classmate until he saw a figure in the alley in front of him. He wasn't sure if that was Peter but nonetheless, he walked slowly into the dark alley.

As he got nearer and nearer, he noticed that the figure was not moving. It was laying against the wall and it seemed almost lifeless."Hey?" he called. "Are you okay?" but as he didn't receive an answer, he got scared and quickened his pace until he was in front of the figure. He couldn't see it clearly as the alley was way too dark to let him fully see, but he paled when he recognized the curly hair and the old sneakers that he had seen the boy wear countless times at school. "Parker?" he called and slapped him lightly on the cheek to wake him up. "Does this seem the right place to sleep to you? Not that I care about you, let's be clear" he asked but again, he didn't answer. "Parker, are you okay? Wake up!" he said louder. He took his phone out and switched the flashlight on. He directed the lights to Peter's face and flinched as he noticed the bruises that littered his face and how pale he was. The fear finally got to him as he realized that he was not just sleeping. And it only grew bigger as the light hit the boy's sweater and made a big bloodstain become visible. He quickly opened his sweater only to see a bullet wound near the boy's heart and a huge stab wound in the boy's rib cage.He noticed that his arm was in an unnatural position as well as his leg.

He felt a knot forming in his throat and gulped down as he felt his eyes water. "Parker? Parker, wake up! What happened to you?" he yelled; his hands were now shaking as he tried to stop the blood from falling. He felt a tear falling from his cheek and he was quick to dry it. He would not cry for Puny Parker, he told himself.

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