Tony Stark

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Tony Stark was known for many things:
One, for the fact that he was a billionaire.
Two, for the huge industry he owned, the Stark Industries.
Three, for the lives he saved as Iron Man.
Four, for the fact that he was a genius.
And five, not that it was important, for his past as a playboy.
Everyone knew him as Tony Stark, the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist.

But one thing that nobody knew was that Tony Stark had a heart.
Tony Stark was seen by everyone, with the exception of his wife and his best friend, as the cold, heartless superhero that cared only about himself and nobody else.
But the truth was very far from that.

The first time someone took notice of that was when all the Avengers decided to reunite and spend some time together to try and make up for the fight they had because of the accords.
Tony had invited all of them over to talk and smooth things over and everyone agreed to come.

The genius paced around the room, nervous for the meeting. He was so nervous that he didn't notice the schoolbooks that laid on the coffee table.
So, he stopped himself as the elevator opened and the heroes came out of it.
He put on a nervous smile and greeted them, inviting them to sit on the couch.
At first the heroes, too, didn't notice the books. They were too busy looking around nervously, trying to break the tension.

"So, how have you been?" Clint asked Tony. "Good" was his only response. Not that he did not want to talk. He just didn't know exactly what to say. And he wasn't very comfortable, being in the same room as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. After all, they had almost killed him.

"What have you been up to?" the birdman asked again, hoping to receive an answer that was not formed by just a word. "Work, Iron Man stuff and trying to resolve the situation, you know. That's what I've been doing" the red and gold hero said. He was starting to regret all of that. Why did he put himself into? He really wanted them to get along again and be a team, but the memories of what had happened the previous year were still vivid in his mind.

"Stark?" Sam Wilson's voice made his thoughts stop for a moment. "Why do you have high school books?" the falcon-themed superhero asked, frowning as he grabbed a book from the table. The billionaire quickly took away the book from Sam's hands and grabbed the other ones.
"They're my intern's books. He must have forgotten them here. But it's none of your business" he snapped, going out of the room to put the books away.

"Since when does he have an intern?" The Black Widow asked Rhodey, curiosity taking over. "He hired him a year ago" he replied. "And the reason why he lets him do his homework here is?" The Falcon asked again. "Because he's more than an intern to him but he doesn't want to admit it" he had answered before Tony made his way back to the living room.

The second time, the Avengers were in a meeting. Fury had given them a new mission and, now, they were trying to come up with a plan.
But they were soon interrupted by Tony's phone, which started ringing. After checking who was calling him, he stood up and accepted the call. "Sorry. I have to take this" he said, walking away from the team, but they could still hear him.

"Happy, this better be important. I'm in the middle of a meeting. What do you want?" They heard him say. "What? What happened to Peter?" He said and they couldn't help but notice the worried expression that formed on his face. "He's hurt? But he didn't go out yesterday and when I took him to school this morning he was fine!" He almost yelled. "How bad is it?" He asked. "I'm coming. I'll be there in ten minutes" he said, grabbing his jacket. And without saying anything, he stormed out of the room.

"What has just happened? Who's Peter?" Clint asked, confused. "He's his intern" Rhodey explained. "He didn't seem to be just an intern, from what I've heard" Scott commented. "I told you, he's more than that" War Machine replied. "Will we meet him?" Natasha asked. "Good luck with that" Rhodey told her. "He's quite protective of that kid" he finished.

The third time, they actually met Peter.
They were all in the living room, watching a movie together when it happened.
Peter's books were again scattered on the coffee table but this time, nobody said nothing.
They were in the middle of the movie when the elevator doors opened. They didn't seem to be able to finish anything without being interrupted by someone.
"Mr. Stark! I forgot my books here, can I take them? I'll be quick" the boy said, catching the attention of everyone. The boy froze as he noticed that there wasn't just Tony in the living room but all the Avengers, except for Thor, who was in Asgard, were there. "Oh, hi," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm Peter Parker" he introduced himself, smiling at the Avengers.

"Pete, that's the third time you forgot your books here. You gotta be more careful" Tony told him, standing up to ruffle the kid's hair. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark! I promise it won't happen again!" he apologized. "I'll take my books and I'll go. Sorry for interrupting the movie, anyway. Nice choice, Finding Nemo is one of my favorites!" he exclaimed happily. "Bye. It was a pleasure meeting you" he said and, as quickly as he had come, he went away.

The fourth time, the Avengers were coming back from a mission.
Tony wasn't there, because he said he had something else to do.
It was night time and they were all exhausted from the battle.
So, when they arrived in the living room, they all thought they were dreaming. Because they did not expect to come home and find him, The Tony Stark, cuddling with a kid, the same kid that interrupted the movie they were watching some weeks earlier, while they were watching a movie. And while the movie was still playing, they were both fast asleep, Tony's arms around the boy's torso ant the latter's head on the older man's shoulder.
Rhodey smiled at the scene, while the other Avengers were still shocked.
He took a photo of them, then, he sent it to Tony and Pepper.
After recovering from the shock, everyone went to their room.

Hi, guys! How are you? I hope you liked this chapter and as always, I'd really appreciate if you let me know in the comments or with a vote. Thank you if you do.
Question: if you could change something in any Marvel movie, what would it be?
I would let Tony and Nat live. I'm still upset about their deaths.

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