This is my battle, Mr. Stark

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This was suggested by my best friend. It's all thanks to her if I'm actually publishing something :) So thank you, G. I really appreciate you. I don't even know if you'll read this. If you don't like this, it's her fault. [ jk (maybe)] Also, trigger warning for panic attack, I guess. Enjoy!

He ignored the initial confusion as to why the front door was opened. May usually closed it, especially when she was home alone. But he quickly shrugged it off, coming to the conclusion that she probably just forgot.
He knew how stressed she was right now: rent was due in a few days and she was working more to be able to pay.

"Hey, May. I'm home!" Peter shouted and closed the door behind him. He threw his backpack on the ground and then his shoes fell next to it.
He frowned when he didn't receive an answer, but again, she was probably out, either at work or hanging out with a friend. He hoped it was the latter: the woman deserved a break.

So, without thinking too much about it, he went to the kitchen and looked into the fridge for something to eat. There wasn't much and Peter frowned, remembering that the day before May was supposed to go to the grocery store.
He had offered to go but May insisted that she could take care of that and that he should go if he didn't want to be late.

It was Lab Day and Mr. Stark had in fact invited Peter to stay there for the night as he had planned to have a movie night with the other Avengers.  So, they tinkered with Peter's suit, upgrading it before having dinner (Steve had to drag the two of them out of the lab) and then they sat in front of the TV, watching Frozen II (it was suggested by Clint who had stated that it was a masterpiece).

Peter again waved it off. She probably had other things to do and forgot. He didn't blame her. If he had to count all the times he had forgotten to go grocery shopping he would finish two days later.

So he grabbed a banana and headed to his bedroom to do his homework. He spent two hours on it before changing and jumping out of his window to start his daily patrol. After fighting crime, as usual, he went home again.

He decided that something was wrong when May didn't come home the next day. And that was when he really started to get worried. He took his phone from his nightstand, where he had put it the night before, and dialed May's number. But she didn't answer.
So, he tried calling his work number, fingers shaking with anxiety as he came up with different scenarios in his head.
"Hello? Who is this?" a female voice answered. Peter got out of his trance.
"This is Peter Parker. Is May Parker there? She should have come back home at least an hour ago but she isn't here yet" he asked. He heard the woman tap on the computer keyboard before she came back to him with an answer.
"I'm sorry, dear. May Parker hasn't come to work since Monday" the sweet voice of the woman told him. It was Thursday.
That was enough for Peter to come to the worst conclusions. Why did May not go to work? Where was she?

He thanked the woman and hang up. His phone dropped to the ground. Peter was too focused on panicking to care.

Suddenly he couldn't breathe. The air didn't seem to get to his lungs. His hands started to shake more, quickly followed by his entire body. He heard a beeping sound come from the watch Mr. Stark gave him but it sounded distant as if it was miles away from him and not on his left wrist. His legs gave in under his weight and he fell to the ground.
His phone started to ring. It was inches away from him but he didn't find the strength to pick it up. It wasn't May. If it was, he would have answered without hesitation, but he had a special ringtone for her contact. And the music that was playing now in the silent air was not the one he had chosen for her.

He let it play and play and after ten minutes he heard the door open and fall to the ground with a loud thud.
He heard panicked footsteps run around the small apartment where he lived with his Aunt May and he swore that he heard his name being called. The footsteps sounded rushed and they became closer as his bedroom door was opened. He didn't register the person coming in, quickly followed by another one. He didn't resister the first one crouching down in front of him until he felt his hands on his shoulders. He flinched at the cold hands touching the bare skin of his arms.
When did he- when did he take his shirt off? Peter thought. His breathing was ragged and he felt like he was being held underwater. The sounds around him were muffled and covered by a loud ringing in his ears. His eyes wandered furiously around the room looking for someone.

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