Field trip to home

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Peter Parker wasn't thrilled to go on that trip. It seemed useless to him. When he awoke that day, he tried to convince Mr. Stark to let him stay at home. But he wasn't so lucky. Superheroes don't run away from problems, as Mr. Stark told him. So, he changed, slowly making his way to the car where Happy was waiting for him. He jumped into the vehicle and greeted the man, but his voice wasn't full of happiness like always. "What's going on, kid? Why are you so sad?" The man asked him. "Aren't you happy about the trip?" he continued. "I would be if I didn't have to visit my house!" the boy lamented, resting his head on the cold glass of the window. "Come on, boy! Cheer up!" and with that, the conversation was over and in about ten minutes, the car stopped, announcing that they were at school. Peter said goodbye to Happy, who drove away. The teenager approached his classmates, which were standing in front of a yellow, large school bus. "Hello, Pete," Ned greeted him with a giant smile on his face.
Ned Leeds was Peter's best friend and a big Avengers fan. And for this, he was more excited than ever to have the opportunity to visit the Stark Tower, or as it was called now, the Avengers Tower.
On the other hand, his best friend did not seem to be as happy as he was. And it was weird. He knew Peter loved Tony Stark and the Avengers as much as he did. The two guys spent hours fanboying about the group of superheroes who saved the world so many times that they lost count. But then, he remembered that he literally lived with them, so he was used to seeing the Avengers every day and, above all, let's not forget that, he was an Avenger himself.
"Hey, Parker! Why are you upset? Scared that all your lies will be discovered soon?" a boy shouted to Peter, smiling at the curly-haired boy. Eugene 'Flash' Thompson was a rich guy who liked to make fun of Peter. He didn't think that a guy like Peter could have an internship at Stark Industries. But, after all, no one really believed him. Not even the teachers. Well, maybe except for his two best friends, Ned, and Michelle Jones, better known as MJ.
After the teacher had verified that everyone was there, the students piled up on the bus, eager to reach the Avengers Tower.
Peter and Ned sat next to each other. They talked the whole time they were on the bus, Ned about how amazing the Avengers were and how excited he was, while Peter about the things that could go wrong.
The time passed quickly, too fast for Peter's liking, and they were soon getting out of the bus. The teacher, Mr. Harrington, guided them inside the building.
They were greeted by a young girl who Peter recognized as Caitlyn Summers, one of the interns. She smiled at them, patiently waiting for everyone to calm down. In fact, all the students, well, most of them, were talking loudly, telling each other how excited they were to be able to visit the Avengers Tower.
When everyone stopped talking, after being told to listen to the girl, she finally started talking. "Hello everyone and welcome to Stark Industries, as known as the Avengers Tower", she started, "My name's Caitlyn Summers and I'll be your guide on this tour" she introduced herself, smiling kindly at everyone. "Now, please, when I call your name, come here and I'll give you your badges, which will expire in about five hours. Please, don't lose it or you'll be escorted out of the tower. Remember to always have it visible as it'll give you access to the floor you're going to visit" she explained, grabbing a box full of passes and a clipboard. Slowly, Caitlyn called all the names, except for two students who already had their own badges. But, due to the fact that nobody knew that, it looked strange at the eyes of the teacher, who quickly asked for an explanation. "Excuse me, uhm, there must be a mistake. Two of my students, Peter Parker, and Ned Leeds didn't receive their passes" Mr. Harrington told the tour guide, who typed something on her tablet. "It says that they already have one. Due to security rules, we are told not to give anyone two passes" she answered. All the attention went to the two boys who took out the badges from their bags and showed the tour guide. "There are ten levels. One being the lowest, reserved to tour groups and visitors, which is your level. You normally would have access to only a few floors but, today, Mr. Stark himself gave us the permission to let you visit two floors that normally aren't allowed to see. Ten being the highest, reserved only for the Avengers, Mrs. Potts and Mr. Stark" she explained.
And with that, Peter started to think about his funeral. Which color will his grave be? How many people will come? Because he didn't know how to explain his level ten badge, which is supposed to be owned only by the Avengers, Mrs. Potts, and Mr. Stark. "Now, you have to scan your badges. Please, one by one, go through this machine which will look for any unauthorized weapon" Caitlyn instructed. The first one was Flash. He scanned his pass and went through the scanners. "Eugene Thompson, level one. No unauthorized objects" FRIDAY said. Then, one by one the students did what they were told to until it remained only Ned and Peter. Ned went first and Friday became more friendly. "Welcome back, Mr. Leeds. Nice to see you again. Level eight. No unauthorized objects" FRIDAY announced. Then, the moment that Peter dreaded arrived. "Peter Parker, level ten. No unauthorized objects. Hello, Peter. Want me to tell Tony you're here?" the A.I. asked him. "No, thanks" he replied. He ignored the surprised looks of his classmates as he joined them. The tour guide quickly got the kids' attention back, explaining the history of the tower. Peter didn't bother paying attention, already knowing everything the woman was saying. The intern showed them the first two floors and everything was going smoothly when some noises that came from the vents caught Peter's attention. Peter snorted, recognizing that noise and knowing that, soon, he was going to be embarrassed by one of the Avengers, more likely Clint. "Prepare yourself in three, two, one..." Peter told Ned, looking at the ceiling as if an alien was going to fall from there and attack them. Which was exactly what was going to happen. As if Clint heard his name being called, he fell from the vents, landing heavily in front of Peter and Ned, right when Peter finished counting. "Petey-boy, how are you?" the man asked, standing up and recomposing himself. He seemed not to notice the looks of admiration and disbelief he was receiving but, unfortunately, Peter did. The latter noticed Flash's angry face too and could tell that, once they got back to school, he wasn't going to forget that one of the Avengers, Hawkeye, knew him easily. And they haven't met the others yet. Peter was sure that the superheroes weren't going to leave him alone and they, sooner or later, would appear from nowhere to embarrass him. But now, his priority was making Clint go away. "I was fine before you came" he mumbled to himself. "Mr. Barton," he started. "Don't you have training with Ms. Romanoff now?" he asked politely. "And we're back with the formalities" the man said, glaring at Peter for calling him with his last name. Peter glared at him too and Clint put his hands up. "Okay, okay. I'll go. No need to look at me like that. Bye, Peter's class, it was a pleasure to meet you all" Hawkeye said and went back to where he came from. It took almost three minutes before the class got over the shock of what had just happened. Even the teacher was surprised. But then, Caitlyn got the attention back again, earning a grateful smile from Peter.
She continued the tour and she showed them the labs and the most interesting things there were on the first ten floors. The class was amazed and excited and they didn't even see the best of the tower, which were the training rooms and Tony and Bruce's personal labs. Peter was relieved that his classmates only had a level one pass but then he remembered Caitlyn saying that Mr. Stark allowed them to visit two floors where nobody was allowed to go. He knew he was screwed. Knowing Mr. Stark, the floors he gave access to, were the ones Peter feared the most: floor eighty-eight and eighty-nine, which were respectively the personal labs and the training room. And he knew that if they went there, there would be great chances to meet the Avengers. But he tried not to think about the things that could go possibly wrong and enjoy the rest of the tour. "So, kids, now, you must not, for any kind of reason, step away from the group" Caitlyn warned. "You don't have passes that allow you to enter, or exit, any room of the floors we're about to visit." She told us. "Neither do I, so, from here, you'll be in the hands of Clark, who has a level nine badge. Stay together and do not touch anything unless you've been told to. Be in your best behavior and enjoy the rest of the tour" she stated and a man with a black suit approached us. "Hi, everyone! My name's Clark Jackson and, if you follow me, I'll take you to Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner's personal labs, where all of you will try to do some experiments with the help of the one and only Bruce Banner. Then, we'll go to the training room where we'll watch some of the Avengers train" now Peter was ready to jump off the window. He followed his class, keeping his pace slow to take more time, but after a "Parker, my grand-mum walks faster than you and she's dead" from his teacher, he was forced to go faster to keep up with his classmates. His smile dropped. He kept his hands in his pockets and his eyes on the ground as if it was going to make him invisible. They arrived at the floor eighty-eight too soon for Peter's liking. They were greeted by a smiling Dr. Banner who, luckily, Peter knew that, wasn't going to embarrass the kid too much. More likely, he was going to ask Peter to resolve some equation that he pretended to be unable to do. The man told them to take a seat and put the safety glasses and gloves on. He explained what they had to do and then let them do their work, walking around the room to help those in need. After less than ten minutes, Peter finished, taking off the gloves but keeping his glasses on. "Mr. Parker, have you already finished?" his teacher asked and he nodded. "Peter, can you help me with this, please?" Dr. Banner called him. The boy snorted, knowing that this moment was going to arrive. "Do I have to?" he asked, hoping in a no. But Bruce obviously said yes. He stood up and, under the curious looks of his classmates, he approached him. "Can you find the mistake? I tried all day and I didn't manage to find it" Dr. Banner smirked at him, earning a glare from Peter who quickly found it and knew that he did the equation wrong on purpose only to show off the boy's intelligence. "I hate you, Dr. Banner" he whispered while going back to his seat near Ned. "My name's Bruce, not Dr. Banner to you, Petey" the doctor said loudly. "As you wish, Dr. Banner" he replied, glaring at him one last time before starting to draw something on his notebook. Half an hour later, they were going to the training room to watch the Avengers' training. "I hope there'll be Spider-Man too, he's my favorite" Peter and Ned heard Flash say. Peter smirked. Only if Flash knew... he'd regret what he had just said. The man guided them inside the room where there were all the Avengers. Natasha was fighting with Clint, Steve with Bucky, Tony with Wanda and Vision with Sam. Thor sat in the corner, watching them while drinking something from an Iron man cup. Bruce, meanwhile, was writing something on his notebook.Peter watch them train and hoped they wouldn't notice his presence. He wished he had some powers related to invisibility. Maybe if he stayed as still as a rock, nobody would notice him, like Drax had taught him when they met. But his Parker Luck was famous. Soon, he met Thor's eyes, who quickly stood up, smiling widely at him before approaching him. "Son of Parker! What are you doing here?" the god of thunder asked. "Field trip" he replied. Soon all the attention went on him. The Avengers stopped what they were doing and finally took notice of the thirty people, plus Peter who were watching them. "Oh, hi" Steve greeted with a kind smile. "You know who we are so let's skip to the fun part" Tony said. "Today, you'll have the opportunity to learn a bit of self-defense. We'll show you how to defend yourself in case of attack" Natasha explained. Her eyes wandered on the students' faces, scanning everyone until they met Peter's familiar brown eyes. She smiled. "Pete, please, come here" she asked the boy, who seemed to become more depressed than he already was. His classmates wondered how and why the Black Widow knew his name. But then again, Hawkeye and the Hulk seemed to know him too so they weren't so surprised anymore. "Now, with Pete's help, I'm going to show you some tricks that you all can use in case of necessity. I'll attack him and he'll try to dodge or block my attacks. Then I'll explain how to do it" the woman said. Peter snorted for the millionth time that day. But he knew he couldn't back out. "Please! As if Puny Parker could defend himself! I bet he'll be on the ground in about a minute and a half" Flash laughed. He stopped when he noticed all the superheroes glaring at him, looking like they were ready to kill him. "You're next" Natasha told him and Flash stepped back, not laughing anymore."Ready, Peter? Do your best" Natasha said. Peter nodded and raised his hands in a defensive mode. Natasha tried to punch him, but the boy managed to dodge her fist. They kept fighting and Peter managed to hit her twice. Soon, they were fighting as they did during their trainings, like there was nobody else in the room but them and the rest of the Avengers. He, once again, ignored the looks on his classmates' faces and pinned Natasha on the ground, holding her down for a few seconds. "Nice job, kid. Now, you can stand up" the boy did as he was told to and went back to Ned, who attacked him with his excitement. "Oh my God! You won against the Black Widow!" his best friend shouted. "She was pulling her punches and let me win, Ned" Peter told him. "Don't listen to him. He's just being humble. He's really great" Steve told Ned, joining in the conversation. "Oh my god! You're Captain America! I can't believe I'm talking to you, right now. I'm a big fan, by the way. Nice to meet you!" Ned rambled excitedly. Steve smiled at him, shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too! You must be Ned. Peter talks about you a lot" the captain said. "Yes, this is me" Ned answered. Peter looked around until he saw Flash's angry and jealous eyes which were watching them. After being taught how to defend themselves, the students followed the tour guide to the cafeteria, where they had lunch. After that, the teacher showed the kids the way back to the school bus and they went back to school, still not over the amazing and full of surprises day they had spent at the Avengers Tower.

I know that this is the cliché field trip story where the Avengers embarass Peter and Flash is mean but I liked it and my creativity seemed to be on holiday so I'm sorry. I hope you like it anyway and please, let me know. If you have any requests, I'll be more than happy to write it, if I have time. So, if you want, send me requests in my pm and I'll do what I can to write them.
Question: do you have any pet? If yes, what is it called?
My parents don't let me have one but since I was little, I've always wanted a dog.

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