Chapter 10 - The implications of (not) being gay

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Hi everyone, remember how I said last chapter that I explored the characters more and became attached? I accidentally became way too involved into what's going on with Danny and Jason too so this story will probably become about them just as much as it is about Alex and Blake. I'd hate to take the attention away from my two main characters, but I feel like Danny and Jason deserve a better story of their own.

When I'm fully finished with this story, I'll go over the earlier chapters and edit them, because I'd like to change some things my 15/16-year-old mind thought was good writing, and depending on how this goes, I might split the stories and make Danny and Jason's into a whole other book, but for now that's how it's gonna go. Anyway, hope you enjoy, this lowkey made me tear up!

Jason's POV

I walked into school searching for one thing and one thing only. I mean my mornings already usually started with trying to find Danny, but today was different, I was more focused, determined. I have to make things right.

I knew it was a stupid decision to leave without telling him, but I didn't know what to say to him. To be honest, I still wasn't sure what to say to him; the only thing I could think about was how hurt and angry he was when he found out I was leaving.

What was I even meant to say to him? "Sorry about trying to sneak out after I slept with you, I'm just not really into guys when it's light out"? I snorted, yeah I'm sure that'd go really well with Danny. He'd probably slap me, but to be honest I definitely deserved it after doing the same thing that every other scumbag did, and still have no excuse for it. My eyes landed on Alex, stood by his locker, shifting uncomfortably. I hurried my pace to catch up with him.

He smiled as he saw me, 'Hey Jay, haven't talked to you since the party, how you been?' He asked conversationally, slightly wincing as he shifted again. I normally would have probably shrugged and murmured a vague reply then let him launch into detail about everything that happened to him, but I honestly couldn't get my mind to focus on anything other than Danny.

I just nodded in greeting, 'Have you seen Danny? I have to talk to him.'

He frowned but shook his head, 'I don't think he's here yet, otherwise we'd have heard him or of him already...' He snorted at his own joke, 'But I have to say he was all weird yesterday.' My heart froze in my chest... Had Danny told him what happened? But I quickly dismissed that, No, Alex wouldn't have even talked to me if he found out what I did to Danny.

'Wait did you see him yesterday? What did he say? What do you mean weird?' I asked all in one breath.

He just shrugged, 'I don't know he was just... Weird.' I took a deep breath, sometimes dealing with Alex took a little patience, you had to ask the right questions otherwise he wouldn't tell you the whole story. Not because he wanted to keep something but mostly because he sometimes didn't realise that a small detail could change the whole story.

'Alex,' I took another deep breath, 'Tell me exactly what happened.'

He seemed to think it over then hesitated as he looked at me, 'Right I probably shouldn't even be telling you this, Danny surely didn't seem to want to, but since he said you guys are okay, it should be fine... He came to my house and he was crying his eyes out-'

I cursed, interrupting him, 'Why didn't you call me?'

'I was going to! But he told me not to,' Alex shrugged, as we started walking, 'I figured it was because you guys had a fight but he said you made up at the party, then you left him and he...'

'He what?' I practically growled in frustration. Alex became hesitant again.

'He slept with someone.' My heart dropped, 'I think he didn't wanna tell you so you didn't get angry because of what the guy did.' He reasoned.

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