Chapter 12 - "Tell me who you belong to"

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'I still have to punish you. You didn't think I'd forget it that easily, right?'

I blushed furiously, 'Right... About that, could we maybe reschedule that or something? I have to do something and I really shouldn't put it off because it's really bugging me and if I put it off, I might get distracted and not remember it until way later and by then—'

'Woah, babe, calm down, breathe.' Blake put both of his hands in front of him, stopping me on our way to the parking lot, 'Tell me what's going on.'

I took a deep breath and started explaining the situation to him as we started walking again. We got to my car and he offered to drive – he said he didn't trust me because I gestured too much when I talked and he did not wanna get in a car accident. He listened patiently as we drove to my house, only interrupting every now and then to ask little questions about my friends.

'And usually, you know, Jason would be the one to comfort Danny in this situation and get the name of the guy we gotta punch, but I don't know, something happened between them and Danny said he wants space from him...' I shook my head, Blake shot me a look I couldn't decipher when we stopped at a traffic light.

'And you've no idea what that something is?'

I shook my head again, 'No, which is probably the most frustrating thing about this whole situation!'

'Do you think maybe they might be in a similar situation as us?' He suggested.

I furrowed my brows, 'I don't think either of them would blackmail the other into having sex, no.' I shook my head.

He scoffed lightly, 'That's not what I meant—Wait a minute, blackmailing into having sex? Excuse me, Mr Smith, I am blackmailing you into a relationship.' He grinned at me.

I couldn't help the small grin forming on my lips, 'Anyway, Danny's never had the best luck when it comes to relationships. Also, because our school is full of assholes who just use him to spice up their boring suburban lives then discard him like a toy when it's convenient. Ugh, it really gets on my nerves! Why can't there just be a nice guy who treats him with respect for once? Everyone knows Danny's great, so why the hell will nobody worth a shit go out with him?!' I rambled on as Blake drove down my street. He had a small smirk on his face as he listened to me. I narrowed my eyes at Blake and hummed.

'What?' He asked, a brow raising in question.

'Aside from the blackmailing me into having sex with you and all that, you don't seem like that much of a scumbag.' I blurted as the thought came into my mind. He parked the car, a shy smile gracing his face. 'Hey, you're both gay, why don't you and Danny go out?' His face fell as he killed the engine, staring at me in silence for a minute.

'Are you serious?'

My smile grew, trying to compensate for the lack of enthusiasm from him, 'Yeah, it will be great! You'll have a real boyfriend and Danny won't get his heart broken! You won't even have to blackmail him into being with you!' I told him, already scheming.

'Babe, I...' He blinked a few times, 'You do know I'm trying to get with you, right? You are aware that I'm trying to get you to be my boyfriend at the end of all this, right?' He spoke slowly, in a tone one would use to speak to a child. I sat there confusedly, 'I don't like Danny, I only have eyes for you, I've always only had eyes for you. I like you, Alex, you understand that right?' He asked, seeming more worried than annoyed now.

I paused for a second, 'So... No dating Danny?'

He sighed, shaking his head slowly, 'No, I'm not gonna date Danny. Besides, it's been pretty clear from the beginning that Danny also has someone else in mind that he'd like to date.' He revealed, picking up our things from the back seat before stepping out of the car. I gasped at his empty seat, quickly following him outside.

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