Chapter 5 - Party (Pt. 1)

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Alex's POV

As the bell rang, we started making our way to science. I didn't miss the noticeable distance between Danny and Jason. Danny would normally grab Jason's hand and Jason would grumble, though clearly enjoy it. I also didn't miss the longing looks between the two.I rolled my eyes. So freaking obvious.

We decided to meet at my house before the party. I still didn't want to go, but I promised Blake I would and I really needed a drink to forget the past couple of days. I don't know what had come over me when Blake kissed me, it was like I was rendered helpless at his touch. What kind of witchcraft was that?

It was now after school and Jason was sitting by my TV playing a video game. We heard Danny's voice calling out downstairs, claiming he didn't want to wait any longer to go out and have fun. My mom told me to behave and just reminded me that she'd be leaving soon, so she wanted me home to spend some time with her tomorrow.

My mom was a renowed scientist and often had to work late or go on trips. This particular trip was to New York and she'd be gone for two weeks. I was used to it, but it still sucked having to be alone all the time. Thank God I had my friends to hang out with me.

The cab got to the party. The driver just smiled at us and told us to be careful but have fun, the sped off again. We stood in front of the massive house, the coloured lights from inside already streaming out. There were people in the yard in groups or pairs, chatting and drinking. The front door was open and I instantly got anxious just seeing how many people were there, yet excited.

'Alright, gentlemen, let's get wasted.' Danny announced as we started walking towards the house.

I don't know how long we had been there for, but it was getting better by the minute. I danced with Danny and drunk with Jason, chatted with a few of my friends. It was like a cycle. I had just stopped by the kitchen counter when Jason watched Danny like an eagle. I was sweating a lot from dancing with Danny, the boy wouldn't let me stop. We danced once then he kept convinving me to dance with him again, I finally managed to stop, now holding a beer to my lips as I rested.

'I swear Danny doesn't get tired.' I commented, watching the boy jump up and down energetically with some of his girl friends.

Jason snorted, 'He's like a freaking dance machine.' I laughed, nodding. Danny looked at us and waved ecstatically, with the biggest smile on his face. This was his natural habitat, in the end, he was the life of the party.

Suddenly, a random guy approached Danny and after a few words exchanged -- Danny smirking and blushing -- they started dancing together. Danny turned around and pressed his back against the stranger, leaning his head back as he ground his hips against the stranger's. The guy put his arms around Danny and pulled him closer whispering something that made Danny moan and laugh. My eyes widened and I turned to find Jason gripping his beer tightly.

'Look,' I started, 'I don't know what happened between you two, but I do know that Danny is desperate and if he goes to bed with that guy,' I pointed, 'He'll forget whatever happened with you.' I told him honestly.

Jason blushed, 'Nothing happened between us.'

'Right.' I said sarcastically, 'Then can you please get him away from that guy then? For me? I don't like seeing Danny grinding against strangers.' I told him and he smiled at me gratefully and nodded.

'I'm only doing it because you want me to.' He said and put down his beer.

I watch him walk over and break up my entertainment, sending the guy away and telling Danny off. I hadn't really been annoyed by the grinding, more like slightly aroused. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Danny like that, but that stranger was very hot and he looked like he knew what he was doing. I must be pretry drunk already to think a guy was hot, I thought, I wonder what he whispered to Danny while they were grinding.

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