Chapter 4 - Oh no

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Alex's POV

I was waiting for class to start, my head leaning on my hand boredly. I looked to my left to find Jason with his fists clenched and looking over at Danny, who had refused to acknowledge us and sat at the front, with his arms crossed.

I was so bored last night. I had no plans and homework seemed like hell. I thought about calling Jason or Danny and just hanging out with them, but then I remembered Danny's date was last night and that this morning only one of two things could have happened; either Danny would be heartbroken, or he got laid and Jason would be pissed.

What I didn't expect was to find them both pissed off, which only means one thing; they had a fight. I turned to Jason.

'Hey uh is everything okay with you and Danny?' I asked, testing the waters.

'Yeah,' he grumbled, 'Why wouldn't it be?'

I arched a brow at him, 'Well firstly because you have that look on our face like you're about to call on your Mafia family and kill the whole school. Secondly, because Danny has barely looked at us since we got here.' I told him and he scoffed.

'Danny can do whatever the hell he pleases. If he wants to make a scene, fucking let him!' He exclaimed, raising his voice slightly, 'And it's not because I'm Italian that I'm in the Mafia, Alex.' He lowered his voice again, his accent slightly coming through.

Jason's grandparents had moved here when they were very young, they were adamant on keeping their culture alive though so the whole family haf been raised speaking Italian, learning English as a second language. Jay's English was flawless, so his accent was barely there, but when he got flustered or angry, it was very evident.

I sighed, 'Right, I'm trying to be nice here, but this is geting me nowhere. What hell happened with you and Danny?' I questioned bluntly, tired of beating around the bush.

Jason rolled his eyes, 'It's none of your damn business, Alex.'

I stared at him incredulously, 'You want to say that again, buddy?' I asked, my voice becoming low and threatening.

Jason sighed, 'Look, it's complicated, okay?'

I relaxed, 'How bad did you mess up?'

He brought his hands to his face, 'Really badly.'

I smiled at him, 'Oh don't worry, as long as you didn't give him false hope, you're in the clear.' I joked, laughing.

'I didn't give him false hope.' He muttered as the teacher came in.

I yawned just as a folded piece of paper hit my desk. Curiously, I opened it; "You look hot when you're mad." My face heated up and I looked around, only to find Blake smirking at me. Then he winked. He freaking winked. I turned back around and scrunched up the paper in my hand.

I shook my head, I didn't have time to worry about Blake. Or his sexy kisses that got me cumming at least three times last night just thinking about it. My eyes widened and I looked around shyly, as if someone could hear my thoughts. I didn't want any mind-readers getting the wrong idea. I didn't touch myself to him. It's just... It had been a really long time since someone had touched me like that and I got a bit excited. But there was straight porn playing in the background, I swear!

Another note landed on my desk, I blushed as I read it and my eyes shot up to meet Blake's mischievous smirk; "If you keep looking this good, I'll have to take you right here and now, babe. I'll be nice though, meet me by the English block at lunch."

I looked back at the note, frowning. What would we even do? I thought then flashbacks from yesterday rushed through my mind and I blushed deeply again, getting bothered all of a sudden. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of there. No way in freaking hell was I going to meet him there. I'm not gay and he needs to stop molesting me, I would tell him off thenext time I saw him, preferrably when we're not alone. I get distracted easily.

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