Chapter 8 - Call Me Daddy

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By the way, just a reminder that things get a bit kinky with these two, but hey, if you didn't like that, you wouldn't be here. Enjoy!

As promised, Blake had gotten here in half an hour with a malicious grin and a suspicious-looking backpack. He all but stepped into my house and kissed my cheek, as he grabbed my hand and started leading me to what he hoped was my room.

'Whoa there, cowboy, hold your horses!' I exclaimed confusedly. What are you doing?'

'We're doing whatever I want, because a certain someone agreed to do anything I wanted for the next month.' He grinned at me, pulling me close to his chest, his arms quickly around my waist as we stopped upstairs.

'Yes, but this certain someone was also very drunk at the time the agreement was made, so shouldn't the other someone at least agree to take things slow?' I tried, trying to push him away, not really sure how to feel about all this touching.

Blake nodded, 'He should, but after some very sexy nudes and a cold shower, the other someone's still hard, so he's not agreeing to anything.' He told me as he held me close, gently nudging me to take him to my room, I did as I was told.

'Why can't you just jack off like all the other normal guys?'

'Because the other normal guys don't have a sexy, hot boy waiting on bated breath for their orders.' He told me with a smirk.

I scoffed, 'Fuck you.' I pushed him as we reached my room.

'After I'm done with you, maybe.' He winked, settling down the backpack.

'What's in that, anyway?' I asked curiously.

He shook his head, 'First, I have to talk to you.' He said, becoming serious. I nodded my head, showing that I was listening, 'I want you to understand what's going to happen over the next month. The point of this all is to get you to be mine in the end, you do know that, right?' He asked and again I nodded, 'But first, we'll need you to accept the idea of being with a boy. Normally, I'd just tell you to watch gay porn until you realised you might just like the dark side.' He smirked slightly.

I rolled my eyes, 'I thought you were going to be serious.'

'Sorry, anyway, I'm not going to tell you to do that because you'll probably just get shit scared and lock yourself in your room until the month's over.' There goes my plan, I thought bitterly, 'Instead, I'll show you what it feels like. I'll treat you exactly like I would if you were actually mine, as a trial run sort of, and at the end of the month, you get to choose whether you want it to go on or not. But for that to happen, I need your consent.' He said and stared at me.

I frowned, 'I don't understand, I thought I had no choice.'

'You don't get to choose about the trial run, but you do get to choose how we go about things... Sexually.' He explained and I squeaked, 'I understand you're not out of the closet and you identify as straight. But I also know that if you were straight, you would have never let me suck you off or kiss you.' He said and I flushed red. 'I suggest we try things my way, and if you don't like it, we'll stop. We'll have a safe word and everything.'

I shook my head, 'Wait, safe word? I swear peole only use safe words for the really kinky shit.' I blurted out, choosing to focus on that rather than the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

He smirked, 'Let's just say that I want to do to you is the secret dream of many and I can give you nights you won't forget.'

I choked, 'Nights? As in plural?!'

He shrugged, 'I mean, baby, how do you expect me to keep my hands off of you when you have this body?' He bit his bottom lip as he looked me up and down as I felt shivers going down my spine, 'But only if you consent to it, I don't want to do it if you're not comfortable with the idea.' He looked serious again.

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