Getting Rid of Sin (July 24)

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"... and from Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn from the dead, and the Sovereign of the kings of the earth. Him who loves us, and by his blood has delivered us from our sins..."

Revelation 1:5

Today there are people who are successful in the ministry, in the married life, at work... but he still hasn't managed to free himself from that sin that dominates him. There are two types of sins: those that we sin in innocence, and those that we are slaves to. (Romans 16:19)

That sin that we are often slaves, and ends up becoming an idolatry, that yes is very dangerous. It prevents you from being successful with God, that is, from living an abundant life. (John 10:10)

Many ministries have ended because of this sin, families have been destroyed... in short, many have exchanged what God has for a plate of lentils. (Genesis 25:27-34)

Don't just ask for forgiveness of your sins, you need to resist the devil, you know where you are weak. Look for another way to go, follow the path of the blood of Jesus, because that blood frees you from your sins. (James 4:7; Galatians 2:19-20)

The blood of Jesus set you free, be free! (Revelation 1:5)

God bless you!

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