Seeking Holiness (December 19)

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"For it is written: Be holy, for I am holy"

1 Peter 1:16

God's Word says we must be holy, just as He is! But what would it be like to be a saint? We need two things to be holy: The first is to have a pure heart (Psalm 51:10), the second is to seek the things of the kingdom of God! (Matthew 6:33)

To be holy is to give up your own life to live the life of Jesus! That is, having the thoughts that Jesus has, and putting them into practice!

We need to be spiritual to think Jesus. How do I get this? Praying in tongues, because whoever speaks in tongues, does not speak to men, but in spirit, for God is Spirit. (1 Corinthians 14:2)

Start seeking holiness right now!

God bless you!

A Message From Dad To You - Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon