Knowing God (December 12)

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There are people who are satisfied with salvation. But there are those who want to know more about God. This is only possible in one way:

"For which man knows the things of man, but his own spirit, which is in him? So also the things of God, no one knows them, except the Spirit of God."

1 Corinthians 2:11

To know more about God, you need to know the Holy Spirit!

But how to know more about the Holy Spirit? It's simple: seek Him in prayer with all your heart. So, you will start praying in tongues, and praying in tongues, you speak directly to God in mysteries, thus getting to know more of God. (1 Corinthians 14:2)

Start looking for the Holy Spirit in the place of intimacy!

God bless you!

A Message From Dad To You - Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz