Worshiping All the Time (July 28)

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"And the four living creatures, each of them having six wings respectively, are full of eyes, round about and within; they have no rest, neither by day nor by night, proclaiming, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God , the Almighty, the one who was, who is, and who is to come."

Revelation 4:8

In heaven, there is constant worship, the church needs to understand that. The Father looks for true worshipers, they need to worship at all times. (John 4:23)

One thing we need to understand is that worship is a way of life, it has to be all the time. Worship is walking together with God! (Genesis 5:24)

Many complain when the music is delayed in church, the prayer is endless, the service ends too late... these people have not yet understood the kingdom, because in the kingdom there is constant worship. (Revelation 4:8) You are the salt of this earth, and you need to manifest God's power here at all times. (Matthew 5:13; Romans 8:19)

Worship, a way of life! Adopt this style!

God bless you!

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