Have you experienced God's best? (December 25)

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After every fight comes victory! But in addition to this victory, there is something else...

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust Him, and the MORE He will do."

Psalm 37:5

This MORE of God is tremendous! When the victory over the fights comes, we are happy and satisfied, but the Best of God is yet to come... "and the more He will do." The Father wants to give the best for his children, but we need to be prepared for that! But the question is: What would you see to be God's best?

But as it is written: Neither eyes have seen, nor ears have heard, nor has ever penetrated into human hearts what God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Church times are changing! Prepare your heart for God's best! For what the Father has prepared for the church has never been seen before! That's God's best!

Everyone stay in holy peace!!!

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