The Father Is Looking for People Desperate for Him (October 23)

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"Behold, a man named Zacchaeus, chief of publicans and rich, sought to see who Jesus was, but could not, because of the crowd, because he was small in stature. Then, running forward, he climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because that way he would pass."

Luke 19:2-4

"God is waiting to be reached by someone whose hunger exceeds his self-control"

Book: "The God Hunters" - Tommy Tenney

Father is looking for people who are not satisfied with the life they are leading. People who want and know that there is so much more for them! Zacchaeus was desperate to see Jesus! He spared no effort, went to find a place where he could see Jesus. He was not satisfied with his life. Zacchaeus was the greatest of tax collectors, he was rich, but that wasn't satisfying him, he needed something that could fill him, he wanted Jesus!!!

How far would you go to reach Jesus? You can start now, because Jesus is there by your side!!! Seek Him while He can be found... (Isaiah 55:6)

God bless you!

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