The other side of prosperity (December 15)

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"But, so that we don't scandalize them, go to the sea, cast the hook, and the first fish you catch, take it out; and, opening its mouth, you will find an estether (coin worth four drachmas, enough to pay the tax of two people). Take it and give it to them for me and for you."

Matthew 17:27

This passage reveals something very interesting to us: incredible prosperity! In order to understand it, let's analyze a Biblical passage:

"Seek ye, first, his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

Matthew 6:33

Seeking the things of the kingdom, is living the dreams of God in our lives! But what does this text have to do with prosperity? It's simple: prosperity comes under the "other things" part.

In the first text, Peter instructed by Jesus, takes money out of a fish's mouth. They prospered in that hour!

Fish in the Bible, represents souls, that is, we need to be fishers of souls! Preaching the gospel to people is our biggest goal after accepting Jesus. We need to care about people and let the "other stuff" happen naturally. Peter took a coin from the fish's mouth. What to be prosperous? Win souls! But win out of love for them and not out of interest... then you will be blessed!

God bless you!

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