The Fruit Must Stay (December 21)

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"So therefore by their fruits I will know them."

Matthew 7:20

The Father knows us by the fruits we bear. It is extremely important that these fruits are good! In addition to being good fruits, they need to be permanent! Only in this way will we have an intimate communion with the Father!

"It was not you who chose me; but I chose you, and appointed you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit to abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give you grant."

John 15:16

The fruit when it remains, that is, when you have the Father's heart, you can ask for ALL you want in Jesus' name! Do you know why this is? Because when we have the Father's heart, we start to have the same desires as Him!

The fruits are the Father's wishes fulfilled throughout our lives! We need to get this for ourselves!

So let's bear fruit!?

God bless you! May the Father's dreams be fulfilled in your life!

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