Burning Heart (December 29)

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And they questioned each other: "Was it not our hearts burning when He, during our journey, spoke to us, when He explained the Scriptures to us?"

Luke 24:32

In this passage he reports Jesus' conversation with two men on the way to Emmaus. Jesus had been crucified, the hope of those people was dead. But Jesus appears to some people after His resurrection, proving that He lives forever! But most interesting, was the level that this conversation reached. At first, these men did not recognize Jesus, but later, their hearts began to burn as Jesus spoke to them.

In today's times, many people have distorted the word of the Lord and live preaching heresies, and this has cooled the love of many and led many astray from the ways of the Lord. But when the word comes from Jesus, then the fire burns within us! There is a fire within each of us, and that fire is Daddy himself within us! When our spirit communicates with the Holy Spirit, a spark goes out inside us, where the fire starts to burn inside us! Yes!!! (1 Corinthians 14:2)

Search Jesus for the right word for your life and let the fire burn inside you!

God bless you!!!

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