Chapter 2

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     "Focus, focus come on (Y/n) you can do it" I mumbled trying to find a power to use. Suddenly feeling a warmth spark I opened my eyes to see my hand have a green flame. "Woah that's so cool" Luffy said excited, and I sighed smiling happily. "How did you do that"? "Well, the powers were given to be by a dream demon by the name of-". POP! "Bill Cipher at your service" making me jump "Ya him". "That's amazing"! Bill smirks while looking at his fingernails "I know I am you should also thank me for bringing your first crewmate here" he winks. I nod "Ya, I live in a whole other dimension which sucked in my opinion". Luffy looks like he was about to burst "no way, what's it like"? Sucking in a breath "people are stupid" I laughed a bit "oh boy are they stupid". He tilts his head and Bill says, "oh man where should I begin, people have been going to the top of building because they think it's a trend ha"! Bill shakes his head. I nod "stupid oh so very stupid". The look on Luffy's face was indescribable and I started to laugh a bit at him "your face right now". "The real reason I popped here was because a whirlpool is in your path and you won't be able to steer clear, so I'm going to knock you both out and put you in a barrel". Luffy and I looked at him and said "wait what, HEY" before everything went black.
       I open my eyes and see nothing, but I do feel the warm rubbery body of Luffy, and a hard surface behind me. Sighing when I remember Bill put us in a barrel and waited for Luffy to wake up or the barrel stops moving. Groaning when I hear one of the sailors tell the other, he sucks at throwing. Then felt the barrel move and being lifted onto the ship. Boom! Agh being dropped kind of hurt a bit, aaand now we are rolling 'I feel sick'. It felt like a long time before we finally stopped, and I sighed in relief. 'Bill, I want to murder you right now'. I could hear his smirk, which is not odd since we are using telepathy to communicate. He said nothing but I still felt him, he may be wandering my mindscape. I should try going there sometime in the late future, I want to see what is in that mind of mine. 'Have fun in my mind but try not to get stuck, wait I think I hear Colby'. I can't really stop him from going through my mind, I have nothing to hide but it is still personal. I heard Colby start muttering to himself "looks safe" feeling the barrel roll I tried not to groan. Then felt it stop again and hearing more voices, but I felt sick, so nothing was making sense to me, then the barrel was put upright and Luffy moved starting to wake up.
         His eyes opened and he popped up right out of the barrel "I slept so great haha" he said punching people in the process. I giggled and attempted to get out of the barrel after him before huffing "I'm too short to put my leg over I'm afraid I may fall" I make a face. Suddenly I am grabbed under my arms by Luffy and set on the ground "food" is the only thing he says. I look after him with a 'really' face before following them to the kitchen for some food. Luffy told Colby he was sailing to find a crew and get the One Piece to become Pirate King, but Colby was freaking out as Luffy ate and talked about how it was impossible for him to do that. Then he suddenly hit Colby upside head "why"? Luffy's reply left me laughing "felt like it". Man, it has been years since I have seen this show, don't know why I even stopped. "What's your name and the dream you have" I ask eating an apple and putting almost all of them in my bag. Colby's eyes bulged when he saw that and stares as I put other foods in. "How does that work" Colby asks snapping out of his amazement. "Almost like a normal bag but with infinite room for many things, I am very proud of this invention too" I rambled then looked up "sorry, when you get me talking about my babies, I can't stop". Luffy smiles wider if that's even possible "Ya she's a part of my crew" Colby just faints. "Oh biscuits" Luffy just laughs as I walk to the boy and fan his face. Seeing a bucket of water I ponder a bit, am I able to? I breath slowly making sure to feel the flow of water, feeling a coolness wash over me as I shot some towards Colby. SPLAT! "AGH" he sat up as the water hit him, I raise a brow "you ok now kid"? He looks at me and nods slowly and I smile a bit "so who's ship are we on" asks Luffy with a mouth full of food. "It's a ship that Alvida is looting from". "Who's that and how did you get mixed up with her" I ask. "She is the most terrible person this side of the sea, and I was going to go fishing when I chose the wrong boat and ended up here". "And what is your dream" I ask once again. "I-I want to be a marine, do you think I can do it"? I look to Luffy, and he says, "I don't know, what do you think"? "I CAN AND I WILL, I will catch all of the bad guys out there starting with Alvida". "AND WHO-" a voice asks breaking the ceiling and landing infront of us "are you going to capture, huh Colby"? "Hey who is this fat ugly lady" Luffy points to Alvida, I laugh quietly covering it with a cough. "You BRAT" Alvida swings her giants club. Luffy grabs Colby and I both before jumping out of the hole she made making me squeak a bit "woo what a rush haha" I said as he sat me down on my feet.
           Suddenly feeling as light as air I look down seeing that I am now floating but instantly fell on my butt feeling heavy again making me huff 'Bill is this going to happen a lot'? 'Yes, your powers will grow as you use them each day and it will sometimes be random, quite impressive though not even a dream demon learns this fast'. 'Heh I usually do it accidently but focus when I want to, works like a charm'. I felt him nod 'wish I could have focused more instead I was lazy'. 'Same though, also are there anything else about having these powers that may change me'. Nothing was said as I felt Bill smile and leave, growling a bit as Alvida's men chased us only for Luffy to duke them and stretch his arm with a pole. Holding onto it as the men look at his hand and back to Luffy himself shocked "Hehe just kidding" Luffy lets go hitting them straight on. Out of the corner of my eye I see Nami sneak away with a bag of belli or is it Berri, as I use a water whip to throw some men overboard. "W-w-what are you two"? "I'm a rubber man, I ate the gum-gum fruit". "No fruit but these powers were manifested by a dream demon.... at least I think that's what happened all I hear sometime is blah blah blah haha". "Impossible, I had thought the devil fruits were only a legend and what do you mean manifested". I ignore her making her mad and rolled my eyes at the next thing she says, "Colby who is the most beautiful woman in all the seas". Colby stammers before saying "It's not you, old hag. (Y/n) is even more beautiful than you ever will be" he shakes as I smile and awww a bit. Luffy grins laughing at their faces stretching both arms back "gum-gum bazooka"! Sending them flying. Rounding a far-off island, we see a Marine ship. "Hey maybe you can join them, but we are pirates, so we have to go" Luffy says as we get into a bigger boat we had. "WAIT I won't be able to since they'll question me, I'll come with you" Colby says getting in with us. We feel the boat drop and I hear the small scream of Nami, I see Nami as she covers her face and turn before she sees. We sail off to our next destination with Colby beside me, as I pick on him for saying I'm beautiful. Bill laughing in my head with Colby blushing immensely Luffy laughing at our hilarious antics.

Boom! Done, I love how these r turning out. I will also be fixing these stories a bit as I go. Enjoy and thank u for reading.

In The World One Piece with a dreamonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon