Chapter 9

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"Oh (Y/n) here, I completely forgot to give you back your bag" holding out the bag making me smile "thank you so much" taking it from her. She sits next to me on the other chair and relaxing in the sun. 'Toots there is an uncharted island, since I know you have been itching for a fight since the last two I made one for you and your crew if they also want to fight. Cat thief can make the map she likes to do and all of you can just have some fun or whatever'. 'Thank you Bill, I have been wanting a fight' he nods and I inform everyone a little bit about this new island making Luffy cheer. I hum as we sail our way to the island Bill told me about and purr making Nami look at me "no wonder you you like the sun so much, you act so much like a cat" she giggles making me grin at her and wink "says miss cat burglar" she blushes slightly and looks away. "Nami-swan, (Y/n)-swan here are some drinks for two beautiful woman" we smile "thanks so much". I hummed in delight and start purring again drinking some more making Sanji nose bleed and do that weird noodle dance. Raising a brow as he dances his way to the kitchen "LAND LAND LAND" Luffy screams. Perking up as we finally land at a random spot as I jump around buzzing all over the deck cackling as I hold up my energy drink that randomly popped up. Dunno when it got into my hands or when I drank it but ok, then look to see that its a Bang (or whatever kind of energy drink you like) and smile with my teeth showing. "What are you drinking and where did it come from" Zoro asks making Luffy bounce his way over with a confused look "ooh it's my favorite energy drink, randomly appeared in my hands though I think it was Bill" they tilt their heads. "Is it good" they ask and I nod in confirmation "to me anyways, don't know if you will like it, willing to try"? I get two cups from my bag and hold a cup each, less than an inch, out to them after pouring a little bit. Zoro sniffs it and cringes while Luffy gulps it down, making me shrug and chug it myself then make the cup disappear somewhere random. I look towards our captain, and he looks like he is vibrating on a different scale, pretty sure I could see colors flashing in his eyes. "Uh oh" Ussop looks at us "what is goin on"? Making a face I go to explain but then Luffy zooms off into the distance and everyone looks on in shock "That was an uh oh, forgot you guys never really had any energy drinks sooooo yaaa now this is bad, very very bad" sighing as Zoro and Nami look at me annoyed and scared. Chewing on my nail then finally I shrug "if you can't beat them join them" chugging down three more full cans, eyes darting all around I see everyone but Sanji, since he was in the kitchen, back away from me slowly. My head turns towards the island and run off into the trees like the flash, just as fast too, making everything kind of blur and leaving our crew in the dust. All I remember from this fiasco was tearing up everything with Luffy and maybe Goku, it's all a bit blurry. I do think Vegeta screamed out in annoyance after they disappeared hopefully making more chaos in his universe after I had given him less than an inch of my Bang energy drink. We crash onto the grass with a stream near us which was very convenient since it'll help us calm our nerves and stomachs. Luffy's eyes are very swirly, so I hand him a bottle of water after filling it up, he sits up very quickly "wow that was awesome, let's do it again" making me laugh a bit "Maybe another time, I had to drink four of them since I was very resistant to the darn things". Huffing "dang my ADHD self for being all over the place". "what's that"? "ADHD in simple terms a disorder that makes me cut myself off saying something completely different from what we were talking about, for example I'd talk about how amazing something is then if I saw something else it would distract me for a bit then I would go back to talking about whatever our conversation was or something close to it, for others it would probably be something different" he nods. We get up and walk around for a bit, I made sure Luffy followed me, so he doesn't wander off as we finally see our ship. "Finally, my feet were killing me" stretching my arms as our crew yell at us for running off on an uncharted possibly dangerous island. "Only we will be able to come here, it's called a Demon Island for a reason, and I am a demon well part I should say for now" I smirk as we set up an outside campfire "SMORES TIME"! Zoro and Nami sigh as Sanji gushes over us females making Zoro get irked and fight him like they usually do. Then grab my bag to rummage through for the chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers "boom baby" everyone looks at me "what are we doing"? Clapping my hands in excitement "we are making my favorite treat by roasting marshmallows, basically making a sandwich with two graham crackers, one chocolate, and one cooked marshmallow". "Ooh yum" Luffy says with stars in his eyes and his tongue poking out, once they all had their first bite their faces were pure bliss "this is incredible, how did we not think of this" Sanji says "(Y/n)-swan you are such a smart and beautiful woman, thank you so much for this delicious treat". Nami nods smiling, and I squeal a bit out of happiness. (I have a cat in my way while typing, her name is Yoda, and she is being too much of a sweetheart as she purrs). "I'm also thinking about making this bag into a pouch so that it won't be too big, a pouch with just string and no zipper, wanna help me Ussop"? "HUH REALLY"? I nod "carrying a back pack may not be the best so I want to make it into a pouch so I can put it in my pockets of my pants or into a necklace although I dunno how to do that so I would love to get some help" he blushes a bit "ya I would love to, THANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY" he stands up and bows making me panic a bit "really it's no problem, just stop bowing please" he stand straight up with a very happy expression. "So, this Demon Island, is it only here for relaxing" Zoro asks drinking some sake "eeh sort of, we could use this island to get stronger if we wanted to, but it can be used for relaxing" he hums nodding a bit as we sit back and look at the stars drifting off into a deep sleep.

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