Chapter 7

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Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Ha! This power is amazing, I can be warm or cool. Not that I'm not already haha. I suddenly hear a loud BOOM before sighing a bit 'Usopp and his toys' rolling my eyes and walking out of the room with Caramel in my hand. Richie is playing with Luffy after Ussop had finished with his little cannon project. I smirk and walk over "my my the damage you have done was impressive little sniper". He yelps and turns to me blushing as my face was a bit to close "are you ok"? He nods rapidly and scrambles away and I chuckle a bit. 'Ah so those two idiots are here now, Johnny and the other guy'. I rose a brow walking to the boys "hey hey we are not your enemy it was an accident". He was about to yell at me but froze "ah gomen". I sweat drop "um alright... your friend there, is he ok"? He starts crying and I sigh walking over after setting Caramel on my head then carry him on our ship. "He has scurvy, we need some sort of fruit please" Nami nods and walks off. She brings a box of lemons back and I squeeze them into the guy's mouth "there we go, it may take a while, but he will soon feel a lot better". I start to zone as I walk over and sit on the grassy area Poppy flies over and sits on my shoulder leaning into my neck while Chou Chou lays on my lap and Richie curls up behind me. I lean back on him as Caramel scuttles over to Richie's face; he huffs which makes him hide in his shell. I smile until a Marine ship sails up to ours making me frown and growl. He starts talking and tells his men to shoot us down making Luffy repel it towards the distant restaurant I didn't see earlier, wow I still remember so little. 😅 Oops. I sigh and just sit there "ok I have to get up, you all can cuddle together until I'm back and please be careful". I float up and towards the wreck "oi (Y/n), where are you going" Zoro asks. "Checking on Luffy, be back soon" he nods. I make myself float faster towards the hole hearing Luffy try to lower his days of working off the payment towards the hole in the ceiling. I smile landing behind Luffy shaking my head "how about if I help"? They look at me and the old man raises his brow "and you are"? "(Y/n) this guy's friend" I point my thumb to Luffy "and it'll lessen the time he needs to work here". He nods "fine get yourself an apron and start working". "When did you get here"? "Not too long ago, now let's get to work" I hung up my bag. I'm going to stay clear of Sanji's sight and watch him run around trying to find me when people start talking of a woman worker. This is going to be so much fun. Doing as I was told is easy, not so much for Luffy as he kept breaking more things making me smirk. Many of the costumers had fallen head over heels for me, males and females alike as news soon made contact with a certain blonde male's ear about a lovely women waitress inside this restaurant. Me evading the flirtatious male like a boss (Jacksepticeye is that you?) Zeff, the owner seems to know what I was doing and smirked as I smile at a woman trying to get her to tip me, that and I had heard of the flirty nature of the blonde in this restaurant making sure to not have him see me. She blushed as I said "alright my lady, your food will be out momentarily" as I winked, she blushed even more. Things were actually great, the tips given to me were also big enough to help pay for Luffy's screw up. I hear Bill chuckle as he floats beside me, invisible to everyone else but me. We sneak around when Sanji tries to look around in search for a lovely waitress who is doing an amazing job around this place. I kept working diligently and dodging Sanji in the process and his face made it so much more enjoyable. Me being near the kitchen hidden from his sight as Sanji verbally burns the Marine guy when our crew walks in. Then I hear Luffy talk to the crew about the situation laughing quietly when Zoro made Luffy drink the water with a booger in it, which Luffy had put in it himself. Sanji wanders over and hits on Nami and that's when I got back to work. I make the link and talk to them 'don't worry I am here, just making the blonde guy look all over for a woman who works here part time' they laugh after Sanji leaves, and I cut off the link going back to work. Very excited to meet Hawkeye Mihawk in the near future, I can feel Bill roll his eyes. I ignore him as Don Krieg's crew member walks in asking for food only to be tossed out. I smile and grab a few fruits and a water then walk out "here you go". He looks up and his face changes from despair to awe as I hand him the food. He nods and chows down "if a blonde guy comes out don't tell him about me, please". He looks up as he finishes and nods again, I grab the cup and plate putting them away still managing to avoid Sanji.

Time skips to the fight with Don

Oh. Wow. His ship is sliced up. The waves hit the restaurant making everyone but me wobble as I giggle. Then finally I see Mihawk in all his glory and stare a bit, pretty sure I saw his eyes look at me, but I can't tell. It may have just been my fangirl side playing tricks on me, I snap my fingers bringing my bag to me, instantly changing my outfit to black shorts and yellow muscle shirt with the Cipher wheel on the back and a tie on the front. 'Hmm decided to go with this huh' Bill laughs a bit. I smile and float towards Zoro who is on Don's ship "easy their tiger". He jumps looking at me then blushes but shakes his head and goes up to Mihawk. As they fight Luffy holds himself and the other two idiots back as Zoro gets slashed with Mihawks sword saying "a wound on a swordsman's back is disgraceful" smiling as he does so. Mihawk swings his sword slashing from his to his stomach diagonally. When he falls in the water, I quickly jump in to grab him, swimming up to the surface changing my hold on him in bridal style and floating onto the ship. Setting him down on the boat as I breath heavily "ow" I say holding my chest then looking at Zoro as he holds up his sword with his right hand and declaring to Luffy on how he won't ever lose again while crying. Standing up to look at Mihawk I stare into his eyes as he cocks a brow "will you go on a date with me"? Everyone sweat drops and falls to the floor "this was supposed to be a heartfelt moment" the two males say, Johnny and Ya- whatever. I wave the two off as Luffy smirks and agrees with Zoro's statement. I swear I saw the tiniest blush on Mihawks face "no" then he leaves after telling Zoro to get stonger and to fight him again in the future. "Hmph" I pout and float to Luffy as the others go to get Nami back. The fighting begins, now fire is all over and the crew is being defeated as I make a giant ball of water and put it over the flames. "There we go" then frown at all the wreckage and huff. Snapping my fingers burning the pieces of Don's ship to ashes leaving the bit that the others are fighting on. Sanji is now being beat up by that big pearl guy and I start getting angry but shake my head and calm down. I float up a little higher and some start freaking out "stop being a big wuss, if you can't handle me floating then you certainly can't handle what's out there on the Grand Line"! "Did you eat a devil fruit" some rando asks me. I chuckle "no but I am a demon... well right now I'm part demon" I maniacally laugh, making the lesser crew start swimming away out of fear. 'You are definitely one scary demon' Bill says stating the obvious, 'thanks It's a gift, probably from you' he doesn't say anything else. I make a wave big enough for the lesser crew to be ashore on a faraway island. "Boys I trust you can deal with these guys" they nod looking at me in shock. I cross my legs and meditate, searching more inside my mindscape. 'Ahhh a secret passage behind the falls, a smaller one inside the hole of a tree covered by vines, one literally under a rock, and another inside a tree house I use to have as a kid'. I sit in the tree house and smile 'Bill are you here'? Pop 'yes I am always here'. 'Visit with me for a while also am I able to protect someone by bringing them here'? He nods and I make sure Ghin gets transported here, with him shaking a bit 'you are safe here'. He nods 'why am I here' I smile 'I like you' I shrug making him deadpan at me. We just sit there enjoying the silence sitting in a bean bag chair and relaxing. Bill sighs 'it's about time you two get back, they are about to leave to get Nami'. 'May I ask how you know'? He smiles 'think of it as a camera to the real world like how you mind link'. 'Ahhh I see now, thank you'. I open my eyes to see and hear Luffy calling me "yes"? "We have to go; would you mind floating us to Zoro and the others"? I nod "sure let's go" as I pick up Luffy putting him on my back and Sanji bridal style. I see the state of the wreckage and frown snapping my fingers while holding Sanji was hard, but I managed and burned the rest of Don's ship then making a wave, so they are at the shore of another island like his crew. Ghin was teleported on a slab of wood shakily while he awaits his fate, but I just smile at him and change his cloths, so they are newer "be a much better captain and find a great crew maybe fight us in the future, don't waste this opportunity" he nods scared rowing away.
      "Wait a minute are you the woman that has been working at the restaurant"? I laugh "so you figured it out huh, it was funny seeing you run around like a chicken with its head cut off". Then his eyes go into hearts "what a wonderful lady and she is carrying me". I smirk getting close to his face "what a handsome man I get to carry". His jaw drops and he basically short circuits, which is hilarious but weird ('Denki'?). We finally get to the boat, and I set Sanji down and Luffy jumps off of my back landing on his feet. My animal friends already on the boat but soaking wet "my poor babies, did the mean woman make you get off our ship" they all whine or flex their pinchers and snuggle up to me for warmth. We were now off to get Nami and figure out what was going on with her.

YAY another chapter done, sry I have been busy dog sitting again and being lazy. Hope you like this!!

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