Chapter 13

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            I sigh holding the egg in my hands, it's been changing from red to black and kind of worrying me, but I do think it's my demon side that is helping with this change like how it affected my animal friends. (Picture above is the egg) I look up and put my egg back in my hood as I hear Sanji interrogate Luffy "I know you did something; you have no pokerface when it comes to lying so how did the food for 9 people disappear"? "I have no idea what you're talking about" Luffy states his eyes shifting from side to side.  "Is there something around your mouth"? Luffy starts freaking out "what I forgot about the crumbs" he says covering his mouth making me snort and shake my head as Sanji gets angry enough to kick him into the wall. Then asks Nami to get a lock for the fridge, she contemplates it as Sanji walks to Chopper, Ussop, and Carue while I float over the rail and smirk at them then decided that ignoring the boy's antics was better and float myself back over towards the stairs. "It's so beautiful out " I smile stretching my arms up, Nami looks to me "yeah it is, if you need me, I'll be in the kitchen, and we all say ok. I float around the deck when I hear Vivi scream "Carue" then see the steam up ahead and get Nami, which she explains that there is a volcano under the sea "I wish to eat it" Luffy states. I hold my breath as we pass through the steam and float high above before that pink man arrives if I remember correctly. Sneering like Professor Snape as I see him on Carue which he promptly falls from and flails around in the water below "help I can't swim". "Let him drown" I growl angrily to myself and huff when he was saved "thank you, I never thought strangers would help me, could you spare some chicken noodle soup"? "No, we can't even feed ourselves" everyone but Sanji (who is not here) and Vivi says. He looks up and sees Vivi "you're a real cutie aren't ya, oh yeah sexy"! I growl and float down behind him and he stiffens up before shakily looking at me "that is a very inappropriate thing for you to say to a lady you just met, so either apologize or I'll drown you myself". He gulps "ok, ok I am sorry please don't kill me I can't swim" he grovels "pathetic excuse for a man" I huff crossing my arms "don't let it happen again" floating up and away he shakes of the scare I had just given him. Everyone looks up at me in surprise then go back to talking to the man but a bit hesitantly after hearing my threat. "So, you really can't swim huh" Luffy looks up to me once more then to the guy after I refused to acknowledge it continuing to stare at the hideous so-called man. (Dang you feisty today). "Yes, you see I ate a devil fruit", "what kind" Ussop asks.  "Hmm I guess there is no harm in showing you" I float down to be by Zoro and tilt my head 'fudge, what was his fruit again'? Suddenly he hits Luffy into the wall behind us, Zoro and I get ready to attack, my tail puffing up behind me as my ears draw back "wait wait, hold on a second" he holds his hands out sounding different and our eyes widen when he moves them. "That's me" Luffy exclaims putting his hat on my head, "fun fun fun fun fun fun, and if I touch my face with my left hand-" he changes back to himself. "Body and the voice match" Ussop say in shock. He touches each of their face and flinches back when he goes to touch mine as I glare at him, he clears his throat "I didn't have to smack you around like that" he touches his face turning into Ussop "all I have to do"- then changes to Zoro "is touch my right hand to you"- then to Chopper "as you can see I can be anyone"- then Nami before I decided to intervene as he said "I can change bodies as well". "If you even dare show Nami's body to anyone I will kill you" I get up in his face. Which in retrospect I should have thought through since he touched my face making me even angrier than I already had been as he changed to me and smirks while Zoro held me back. I cursed at him so bad it would have made a sailor blush "bleep bleep bleep bleeping bleeper". Author decides to show up in that moment and put some extra strength duct tape over my mouth making me look at her in confusion "woah there, this a pg show and I can't keep bleeping out your words (Y/n)" she sighs "woah, who are you" Luffy asks. She completely ignores him "take it easy on the swears please" and I nod, she seems content and pops away taking the tape with her but not without it hurting a bit. "OW, AUTHOR WHY"!? Everyone just looks confused at her sudden appearance and disappearance, before slowly going back to what we were doing as I start to calm down the swan guy decided to take it a step further and show off my body making everyone look on in shock, their eyes bulging out of their skulls "see" he says. That's when I snap "YOU"! I get out of Zoro's hold by moving my hands up into the air and making myself crouch low to the ground growling at him in anger, knocking him to the ground almost breaking the ship "DON'T BREAK THE SHIP" Ussop yells at me. I huff floating up and away from the infuriating man as he starts showing off more of his power to the boys before finally leaving. I decide to ignore everything else and rub my egg to calm myself, I hear Richie and Chouchou whine in my head 'I'm ok, just need to calm down a bit' deciding to sit on the stair and go into my mindscape to play with my familiars a bit.

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