Chapter 16

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          "Grab hold of something" Zoro says as our ship rocks side to side when the ship hits the water "maybe it's all a dream" Ussop suggests fearfully "yay I love dreams" replies Chopper until their heads collide 'ooh that's gotta hurt'. As everyone screams about something I feel a skeleton hit me... that Ussop threw "what the frick, don't throw it at me" I said dropping it overboard, "hey the log pose is broken, it's pointing at the sky" Nami says. "No, it's pointing at" blah blah blah, 'good grief, no breaks yet again I guess' "SKY ISLAND" I hear everyone but Robin yell 'yup, Luffy is making us go there' I start hitting my head repeatedly on the mast trying to stop the ringing as the ship stops so they can explore. "Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself" Chopper says as Robin explains about the ship "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU CAN'T SWIM" Nami yells as said ship sinks, I snap my fingers and both Ussop and Luffy appear by me "look what I found" he says showing a map of "Skypia, the land above ours". "It may not be possible or at the very most real" Nami says starting a fight with Luffy then hitting him. I faceplant on the deck as they go down and salvage whatever's on the ship 'I'm done, I can't keep up with them right now, didn't even thank me for saving them from drowning'. "I'm so glad you didn't make me go" I hear Ussop whisper after Sanji says there is a creature staring at him Chopper freaks out about me just randomly falling but I assure him I'm ok. Masira the scavenger shows up accusing us of scavenging the wreck, Nami tells him we aren't after she compliments them, but obviously we are. They get ready to do so when one of his crew says they were attacked "I'm gonna kill him" Nami whispers I hear Masira direct his men to get scavenging. I roll onto my back and huff before sitting up wrapping my tails around me and standing up to stretch. Watching the guys lift the sunken ship out of the water 'monkey'? I giggle a bit "that's actually cute" my friends look at me in shock "the front of the ship, idiots". "How dare they attack my men" Masira says posing for a photo, I think. He jumps into the water. 'Bill you there, I need to ask where I got these fox ears and tail from, they seemingly appeared out of thin air' he thinks a bit 'hmmm I'm not sure myself, maybe an ancestor or one of your parents had them either way I have no clue' I huff 'dang, thanks anyways also how are you have you been busy this entire time' he grumbles then sighs a bit 'yeah sorry, my world has been giving me trouble' I tilt my head 'oh, how so'? He shakes off the question 'it'll be fine, got to go toots I'll see you another time'. 'Ok, stay safe' I feel a metal pat on the head 'you too, I mean however much you can with that captain of yours' making me snicker out loud getting weird looks from Nami "just Bill" she nods in understanding as Robin only looks to me confused "he's a dream demon, the one who actually brought me here from another dimension" she instantly perks up at this knowledge deciding to ask questions with me giving her the best answers I could. "How knowledgeable is this Demon friend of yours" she asks motioning for me to sit beside her making me smile "he literally knows everything, though making a deal with him may not be the best he can twist your words just a warning" I wink. Robin nods "hmm yeah, it is better to find things on your own, tell me about your world then anything you want to tell me about really". "Well, it is more advanced than this one, I have my phone with me to show you, it's a type of communication device" I say seeing confusion on her face "ah ok". I open my bag and rummage in it for my phone "ah here we go" I pull it out closing my bag and setting it down, turning on my phone I see her eyes light up "fascinating, this is incredible may I" she holds her hands out wanting to check it out. Nodding I hand over the phone teaching her the basics that I know "I believe I can still make calls, but I don't really have anyone in my contacts to do that unless we want to order food but I'm not sure how that would work haha" she nods then looks at a certain gaming app I have "what's this" she points making me smile "a really fun game I like to play, wanna try"? "Of course," Robin clicks on the app "this is a matching game, just move those up and you'll get four in a row sometimes when merging more than 4 you can click on whatever appears and it'll get rid of more of whatever you're trying to get, you'll get the gist of it when you play more" I let her play on my phone. Chopper comes up at some point to watch us play joining in now and then, his hooves surprisingly letting him touch the screen which honestly looked so adorable. "IT'S HUGE, anybody else wanna run" we hear Ussop when suddenly and giant turtle come up from the sea "DOES ANYONE ELSE SEE THIS" Nami asks scared and in shock I put away my phone and Chopper hangs onto my leg in fear while we look on in shock "oh my gosh a giant turtle" I smile with stars in my eyes "so cool"! They look at me in shock and fear "it probably ate the ship the guys were on" tilting my head a bit thinking "it has to be a dream, just a dream" they sigh in relief. "You know it did eat them, I can see the hose" Robin says calmly, the turtle starts pulling us "we have to cut the hoses". Suddenly the sky turned dark and everyone starts freaking until a giant bag is thrown onto our boat "Luffy, what happened are you dead say something" Nami says slapping his face a few times "where's the other two" looking to the side of the ship I see their hands and smile "worry not, they are right there" I point  they come up holding bags "we gotta get out of here" says Zoro trying to breathe again "yeah that guys crazy" Sanji says doing the same. I hear Nami in the background slapping Luffy even more as Ussop talks to Zoro and Sanji making me giggle "WE WERE IN THAT THINGS MOUTH" they yell looking back "attention we are getting out of here now". Masira hops out of the water "give me that treasure" I shiver after Masira's men says, "look behind you captain", we see giants' shadows and as soon as it moves Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy get us the heck outta there telling "SEA MONSTERS" they rowed so fast we were away in no time at all. 'Oh, I remember, it's the people with the weird wings' breathing a sigh of relief as we go over all that has happened to use, they realize Masira is still with us, and they hit him overboard. I cover my mouth trying not to laugh "easy you guys" I snort then clear my throat to attempt to make it seem like that was what I was doing but got caught anyways. "DON'T LAUGH THIS IS SERIOS" Zoro yells as Nami goes through the "treasure" that was there "wasn't much anyways, it was an old ship" I see an octopus with the stuff as Luffy walks around in armor "what is that Luffy" she asks after stomping on the stuff she calls junk "armor" he says stopping infront of her lifting the front piece so he could see her. Next thing I know she hits him so hard the armor breaks shocking Zoro as Luffy sprawls on the deck 'oh my gosh, their faces' my shoulders shake with how much laughter I'm holding back. "Nami, you didn't even notice the pretty seashells I brought you" Sanji says holding some very pretty shells making me "ooh" Nami walks away talking to Robin as I look at the shells "ALL HANDS-ON DECK, SET SAIL TOWARDS JAYA" Luffy yells Sanji hands me the shells "for you my dear (Y/n)" I put them in my bag "thank you, they are beautiful" I hear Nami behind me yelling at Luffy when he keeps saying "on to Jaya" shaking my head at him "YOU ALREADY SAID THAT" she hits him. "Ladies I have a wonderful meal for you" Sanji says handing us our plates "thank you, I appreciate it Sanji". A while of just talking and laughing as we make our way to Jaya I suddenly sneeze "oh, it seems someone's talking about you" Sanji says I tilt my head "I hope something good" I snicker "maybe I can find out who, it may be someone we know" everyone looks at me "how" Ussop asks "well my powers of course" they all say with the exception of Robin, she stays quiet and just stares "ahhh ok". I close my eyes and focus then snort "I know who it is, or they are I should say" "who is it" Chopper asks putting his hoove to his face. I wave them off "not important". They nod and get back to doing what they do best 'Buggy and Ace are hanging out, wonder why they spoke of me' shrugging a bit I go back to my drawing 'maybe that freaky lion dude is complaining on how I took Richie "it's nice to just relax, we haven't really had time to do so" smiling as everyone agrees and going back to my sketch of all the crew members "woah (Y/n) your art skills are amazing, looks so real" Nami says leaning over my shoulder "oh, thank you I love drawing" I look up at her 'wait, up'? I make a face "what's wrong" she asks tilting her head "I forget your all still so much taller than me, how is this fair" I put my stuff away and stand next to her "see, what is this" I cry making her giggle a bit "you'll grow (Y/n)" Robin says walking up to my right as I cross my arms "liar, but ok". "Come on shortstack it's not all bad is it" Zoro says lifting some weights "it is when everyone around you grows even taller, Imma be the same height forever". He raises a brow "how do you know" I look to him "I haven't grown in years dude, and I'm currently 19" they look a bit shocked making me ask "what"? "We thought you were a bit younger" I make a face "how young" they quickly shrug it off and do their own thing again making me huff "really guys, come on how young did you think I was"? They all look at one another simultaneously "about 15 maybe 16" smacking my face out of embarrassment as I hear Bill start to cackle "definitely not, and you shut up Bill get over here if you wanna join damn". POP! "Hello, it is me your favorite demon" shaking my head at him "nooo, I would be the favorite" I smirk he gasps in mock shock "I see how it is" he raises both hands up. Some of the crew look scared while others are still a bit apprehensive of Bill making said male cackle "relax kids I'm not going to do anything... yet" making me roll my eyes then smacking his head "behave Cipher" he rubs his head and whines "that hurt". "No, it didn't" he nods "your right, it didn't, so just to officially introduce myself hi I'm bill Cipher dream demon I can manipulate your dreams into good ones or nightmares" he stares at Ussop making him yelp and hide behind Zoro until he laughs "just kidding, probably". They slowly get use to Bill and start asking him questions about his life and some demon stuff which scares them a few times. After a while he decides to leave and go back to his world "well kids this was fun, let's do it again sometime later"! He leaves as we all say goodbye. Luffy, chopper, and Ussop go back to eating their food while talking "I wonder what Jaya's like" Chopper says "I hear it's called the land of meats" two guesses on who said that "you don't know that, you only wish it were true since we've been eating the same old junk for days" Ussop says as all three kept eating their food until Sanji nabs it from them "if you don't like it don't eat it, wasn't for you anyways it was for Nami, Robin, and (Y/n)" they chase after him as he runs around the mast, I start laughing making sure to send letters to anyone I flirted about my actual age since people think I'm so young. 

In The World One Piece with a dreamonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora