Chapter 15

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          I see Ussop, Luffy, and Chopper fishing and walk over when he finally got a nibble laughing hysterically as it's only a teeny tiny one as he had so much trouble reeling it in. "Not even enough for a snack" Luffy pouts "I DON'T SEE YOU CATCHING ANYTHING, AND STOP LAUGHING (Y/N)"! Only making me laugh harder "ladies I have a special drink for you" Sanji walks out with two light green drinks "ooh pretty" I smile walking up to him "thank you very much" he gushes a bit "it keeps the skin smooth" we both take a cup "we want one too" the three boys say "and why's that" Sanji asks. "To be cuter" they cheekily reply making me snort my drink a bit and start laughing "I got something" Luffy replies only to be discouraged when it's something he can't eat. A guy pops out and they start rambling, making me get annoyed, my eye twitching as its the weird mail guy. He tries to sell everyone some stuff they wanted and Robin a skin soap as she reads but she just says "wow" in a dull tone going back to reading. I smirk as Nami asks for some paper and she gets excited as its some good paper apparently. The boys, other than Sanji are shocked as she wants it, I glare at the guy as he tries to rip her off making him sweat a bit then Sanji 'ties' up Luffy "hand Luffy into the Marines, he costs a lot" the guy realizes where he is leaving everything behind, he hops in the thing he was in and sped off. I jump a bit when a certain piece of meat was dropped in front of me "oh, my demon meat" 'thanks Bill' he grumbles for some reason 'rude, am I able to cook it'? 'As long as you eat it heat doesn't effect it' he left my mind as fast as he came making me huff. Ignoring everyone I heat the food until I see Luffy flying and my eyes widen catching him before he ends up ruining whatever Nami's doing and sigh "careful, you don't want to ruin Nami's project and please calm down" he looks down "sorry (Y/n), thanks for catching me" he notices my meat "what kind of meat is that" raising I brow I answer "demon meat, I need it so I can maintain my newly made demon self and not kill everyone" then I took a bite and hum a bit the boys look uncomfortable and nod going back to what they were doing but Luffy stays wrapping his arms around me "does it taste good, is it actual demon meat, can I have some" it goes on for a bit before he finally stops making me sigh "it tastes weird raw, yes it is, and I dunno what effect you will have if you eat it so no you can't". Ignoring the other questions he asked, I finish my meat and pat his head "you comfortable"? He nods as I sit down and hold him in my arms "WHY ARE YOU IN HER ARMS LUFFY" Sanji yells when coming out of the kitchen "she's comfy" he says sleepily making me laugh "be quiet Sanji, I'll let you cuddle me sometime, promise" he starts doing his noodle dance of happiness after I wink at him. After a while of snuggling, I sniff the air with Chopper "storm" we say looking at one another as I start getting up to warn Nami and she gave us orders. With Luffy still on me I do my best sweat dropping as he wakes up after its over 'oh dear'. Days pass and a fog starts rolling in and we had to sail between some Marines as they too were blind in it, a kid fell on our ship getting knocked out in the process the crew, and I went to the kitchen with him. He woke up and told us his story and decide to get him back he, Sanji, and my snuggle buddy decided to go making me pout a bit "what's wrong with you" Zoro asks "my snuggle buddy" he rolls his eyes when Chopper offers to snuggle with me a little bashfully though doing his funny dance "snuggling me doesn't make me happy". I purr giggling a bit and snatch him up rubbing my cheek on his "thank you" sitting down once more as I ignore Zoro's face 'grumpy' I snicker a bit making sure he heard me in which it had made his eye twitch. I look to Zoro "if you want to cuddle come on over" he blushes but angrily but comes over and sits by my left "are we going to have a cuddle pile" I smile "I would love to (Y/n) but we need to keep an eye out just in case" I was going to tease Zoro about having to stay on guard as well but he covers my mouth making me laugh a bit "shut up" he mumbles laying his head on my shoulder. We hear a crash and see Sanji and Luffy, Sanji's outline in the wall making me giggle when Zoro's head moves off me quick before getting up "I am going to fillet you" Sanji says to Luffy making me laugh rubbing Choppers head making Luffy spin around "(Y/n)" he smiles running over to me and glomping us "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Chopper says angrily as I say "OOF".  "I wanted to cuddle her too" he pouts "easy boys you both can cuddle" they smile, and we get comfortable once more as Sanji goes to say something I look to him and shake my head as they had fallen asleep. More days pass and we are inside as its raining with Luffy complaining about his boredom. He asks about the book Robin's reading making everyone else around us get shocked, Zoro comes in saying there is an island we are coming up on and he runs off. We land on the island and decide to explore a bit seeing a town "a festival" Nami exclaims happily! I look around and walk off "if you need me, you know what to do" I call back "talk to you with the link" they all say. I walk around getting a few stares at my ears and tail as I smile at them and wave, seeing that I'm nice they wave back happily. Having fun and looking through stores I see a few clothes I needed and got them using the haggling and flirting Nami taught me to get a discount I walk out happily putting my things in my tiny bag. After a while I met up with everyone "ah hello, getting some provisions"? "Oh yes, (Y/n) are you tired, need me to carry you"? I smile "if you wish, I could also put the food in my bag" he nods happily handing me the stuff. Sanji bends down letting me on his back before standing back up, I lay my head on his shoulder making him blush and hugging him tightly. Later tonight we watch the fireworks happily, eating sweets and other foods and playing games to win prizes as everyone had won me something even Robin, I decided to win them something in return. When we saw what we thought was the final show a huge one was sent into the air making us all cheer loudly with me still on Sanji's back. We walk back to the ship talking about how fun our day was and what we did then falling asleep after all that fun we had. 

In The World One Piece with a dreamonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें