Chapter 3

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Tap! Tap! Tap! I tap my fingers on the side of the boat "ugh I'm so booored" I stretched backwards as Luffy, and Colby stared at me. "Ooh can you do some more magic"? I stopped stretching and looked at them "sure why not, hmmm what else can I do". POP! "AAAAAAH" Colby screams seeing Bill Infront of us "yeesh kid relax" he says twirling his cane. I snort at his line "what's sup"? He slowly floats to me "how about we try my favorite one.... floating" he says doing a bit of jazz hands. I see Luffy bobbing his head up and down excitedly "ya ya ya, I want to see you do that". I see that Colby has fainted next to me, don't know how long ago as his soul started floating away which was a sight to see. Sweat dropping as Luffy shoves it back in and laughs, I roll my eyes quietly laughing a bit. "Ya let's do that, I'm excited to float" Bill nods, smirking as he grabs me around my midriff and teleports INTO THE FREAKING AIR! "AAAAAAAAHHHH WHAT THE-". "You want to fly, lets fly but my way". I think I can faintly hear Luffy and Colby screaming so I look down, yup they are currently a tiny dot below us. "Now toots all you have to do is feel lighter than air as you did on that ship remember that feeling and you'll be good so have fun" he smirks and with a pop he is gone, leaving me to fall. Tightly shutting my eyes as I feel the rush of air, faintly hearing Bill in my head 'If you don't get it don't worry, we'll just have to keep dropping you'. I shake my head huffing 'before or after I hit the water' aaaand he's gone. "LUFFY THIS IS WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO FLOAT"! The boy had the audacity to laugh while Colby freaked out, I knew he would do this and that's on me. "Screw it, CANNON BALL BISH"! SPLASH!

(SpongeBob narrator) 3 HOURS LATER

Drip! Drip! Breathing heavily as I finally float my way down "YAY (Y/N) YOU DID IT". "Ya after many fails" I hear Colby mutter, me glaring at him as he laughs nervously. Then set myself onto the boat shivering from being dropped in the water so many times "damn dreamon" I mutter. I sigh "where we headed"? "To get this Zoro guy, he's going to be part of my crew"! Colby freaks out "you can't, the marines have him because he is evil"! Luffy just smiles as he looks to our destination, which is now in our sights. I nod grabbing my bag, still sopping wet might I add and sling it on my back after I get some cloths out. Ringing out my hair "let's find a restroom first so I can change". We walk of the boat 'you did good kid; it took much longer than I thought but you did it'. I growl quietly 'screw you Bill, never do that again'. 'Not right now, and no promises'. I did a double take 'wait what, Bill come back what the Frick'! We land and walk around a bit before I state "I'll meet you later, going to go change first" I said walking off "OK MEET US AT THE MARINE BASE" me nodding as I walk off to finally change.

Woo finally dry cloths now let's head to Luffy. It took a few minutes, but I finally see Luffy up ahead, then see him climb the wall and I float up to Colby and grab him to float with me. Sitting on the wall between the boys as we look at a figure tied to a wooden cross "look there he is"! "Hey, you get out of here, you're an eyesore". I smirk and chuckle a bit "that's a bummer because you sir are very handsome". I could hear him stutter and after a while he calmed but I think I see a faint red color on his cheeks. Looking next to Colby as we hear a young girl ses up a latter to climb over the wall, sprinting towards Zoro "I made you some food" she holds out two rice balls. "Go away kid, or else" Zoro says gruffly (ME: why are you so cold Zoro! YOU: stop breaking the fourth wall author!) Then a walking purple pimp (forgot his name, I don't really care to remember) comes in "be nice Zoro" he stands near the girl and suddenly takes the rice ball then spits it out "YUCK why is there sugar in this, you always need to use salt". I growl and feel my eye heat up then a small flame appearing in my hand. Then shook slightly to calm myself making the flame disappear, my eye still warm. 'Your eye is flaming toots, that's why it's warm a demon tends to get angry easier than some if not most humans, especially newly made ones' I nod slightly 'kind of like Sans then' I snicker 'thanks for the heads up'. Suddenly I hear a slight scream as I see Luffy jump to catch the girl that was flung over the wall by a lesser Marine, I know I've seen the show, but it still makes my blood boil. I growl a bit louder clenching my hand on the wall making it crack a bit, as the pimp walks away waving his arm towards Zoro the Marine in tow bowing his head a bit 'at least he's feeling guilty about throwing the poor girl'. Breathing through my nose as he had finally left I look towards Zoro before deciding to get down and ask if the girl is ok "Ya I'm ok". We walk the girl to her mother's restaurant and go sit at a table as she talked about how Zoro made a deal with the pimp. We see the same purple suite wearing wuss sit at a table, showing so much disrespect. I grind my teeth as he tells the soldiers by him that Zoro will be executed, making me growl and scratch at the table leaving marks.

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