WHAT! part 1? (Not a chapter)

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             BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BE- CRASH! The sound of my alarm annoyed me so much I didn't register that I had smashed it until I got up. 'Oops'. "Ugh I don't want to work, people are stupid" sighing as I put on my work cloths. Which is basically black clothing with the logo, no shoulders or ankles showing because we can't have that. Not that I have a problem with it especially since it's the start of winter. During the summer is a different story, sweating badly just walking. But since I live in town things are relatively close, I have no use for a car. Eating breakfast is the most important meal so I eat some and head out grabbing my small bag for my phone and headphones, so I don't have to hold them. BUZZ BUZZ! Oh, its Lilian and Maya, what do they want now? I open my messages as I walk and see that my friends want to watch a show called one piece with me. Oh, I've heard of it but never had time to watch until now since I had taken less hours than normal. So, I text back saying I would love too and suggest tonight after I get off work at 7:30. They quickly agree. Looking up as I stop in front of my workplace dreading the people I work with and its customers. It's a small restaurant but the pays good, I walk in and punch in before getting ready to serve people. "Ah your early, that's good" my arse of a boss says. Would you believe me if I said her names Karen? I just smile and nod as I get trey after trey to serve the hungry bi- I mean customers. The cook is named Charles who is also the only decent person that is in this terrible place. Then tells me what trey goes to whom since the worker who was supposed to serve them decided to leave five minutes early leaving me to it. Customers gave me trouble every so often as I work, but with a little bit of luck there are those who are nice and feel sympathetic towards me saying a quiet apology and handing or leaving me tips.

-Time skip brought to you by an angry (Y/n)-

           I walk out of the place and sigh in relief as the cold air hits me, finally able to go home. I walked down the sidewalk the lights shining on my path and listening to music since it helps me unwind from the day I have had. I look up seeing the starry night sky beautiful and free. Unfortunately, since I wasn't watching where I was going, I had tripped over something making me yelp and accidentally swear a bit. Knocking off my headphones as I get up and huff before hearing quiet meows. Looking back at the thing that had made me trip, sitting right there was a box. The meowing coming from it. I pick up my headphones and put it in my bag with my phone and walk three steps towards the box. Kneeling down and opening the cardboard flap I see seven cats turning their heads towards me, they look so weird being off colored or having some accessories. I rose a brow "who would just leave you all here, I'm taking you with me" and leaned forwards grabbing the bottom of the box. Lifting it up and turning back towards my place, checking on the cats every so often so that I know they are ok. They start meowing at each other, I think conversing with one another when we finally arrive. Holding the box with one arm as I open the door and go in, shutting it right after. Setting the box down on the couch and went to change out of my clothing.

_______ POV??

         Darn that red hair, we wouldn't be in this situation if he hadn't pissed off that witch. Stuck in a place we don't know. I see lights shining but only a sliver of it seeping through whatever we are in. "Where are we" a voice I recognize as Shanks asks "in a box thanks to you" feeling something rub against my leg I look down and see a fluffy tail. WHAT? I swiftly move to the light and see that what use to be my hands are now paws. Then I hear more voices "tch where am I", WHAT THE HELL", "WHERE ARE WE" "SHUT UP PERVY COOK" one I know as Zoro and the other Luffy but just a grunt from the other person. I sigh as Zoro and their cook continue to fight "I'm guessing we are in a box as cats, did you see or talk to a witch"? Before anyone could answer something hit the box, whoever it was made a small yelp followed a bit of cursing which piqued my interest. Then hearing movement outside as the person or woman huffs, we hear a slight shuffling and then the flap opens as a bright light blinds us before subsiding. As I look at the woman before us after my eyes widen 'beautiful', we hear her voice saying how she will take us home. As she walked Luffy explained how he wanted the witch to be part of his crew, Zoro cut in on how she didn't like him asking or demanding every second to be part of his crew angering her in the process. Our apparent meowing made the woman carrying us raise her brow, finally arriving after Katakuri and Trafalgar as we now know told us she just did it for fun after she got us. Lovely. The woman set us down and walked away.

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