Chapter 6

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          We landed on an island hoping to get some supplies with me walking barefoot because I got sick of wearing shoes. Walking around getting fruits with herbs or picking vegetables out of the ground to store them in my bag. 'I love this bag so much' Luffy just stares and was about to stick his hand in my bag, but I smacked it away and frowned at him "if you want to see just how endless it is then please asked, but if you're after the food you can't have any go pick some elsewhere". He smiles "can I really feel how endless it is"? Zoro and Ussop walk over and ask the same thing after Ussop stopped geeking over said bag I chuckled a bit, Nami stays back a bit just staring. I nod and open the bag to them, as they sort of freak out about it, I look to Nami "would you like to feel, you don't have to if you don't want to". "OK but if anything grabs me, I blame you" I smile and hold it out to Nami after the boys are done. She reaches in "woah it feels so cool in here, it's literally not hot or cold just enough to keep stuff from spoiling". I nod "this invention is my baby, and I can't image my life without it". She withdraws her hand and smiles a tiny bit before going back to her maps. Hearing chewing noises I look to Luffy and then look in my bag seeing two apples are missing, I chase him as he stuffs both in his mouth and run, putting my bag on my back. We stop as we all hear a loud voice call out to us "leave this island and never come back". A weird shrub man is revealed and while they talk with cool looking animals all around us, I see a panda bat staring at me 'I wanna steal it'. Before I could do that, I looked away so I didn't anger the shrub man and asking Bill a question 'since you basically spy on people would I be able to do the same, also how are you haven't heard from ya in a long time'. 'I'm good, and yes you would but don't you have an invention for that'. 'Yes, but I would have to get it out and I tend to be lazy at times don't want to rummage through my bag of stuff I'll probably use that with my crew if something important comes up if I don't want to use my powers or something. Ooh no wait, I'll give it to Ussop haha he would love it'. He chuckles 'fickle thing you are' and he appears scaring everyone half to death heh. "Evening, while you all chat I'm going to take (Y/n) here to another part of the island to work on her powers". I laugh as Ussop freaks out and we disappear with a POP. Stumbling as rocks tried to trip me, Bill laughed a bit as I got my footing. "OK I'm ready, teach me how to spy please" I smile. "As you wish toots, close your eyes for now later we will learn to do it as your talking then with your eyes open". I nod eagerly and close them as Bill speaks again "feel the souls around us and imagine a string attached to smiles then follow it" I snicker at the name he called Luffy. I breath slowly and feel for the souls, it's a little overwhelming with so many but I manage to find Luffy's, a gold string with four other strings by him purple for Nami, green for Zoro (haha moss head), a brown color for shrub guy, and yellow for Ussop. "You're doing great toots; do you see it"? I nod "there are four others too" he hums a bit " that is an advanced move, seeing more than one for your first time is great kid". I smile and follow them to the crew with the weird shrub guy hearing him explain how he was left behind because he got stuck in a chest. "Am I able to say hi to someone like this, or anything at all really"? "Yes actually, would you like to try"? I hum a bit and smile "I want to scare Zoro with it". He laughs and I hear a bit of wheezing he clears his throat "alright all you have to do is link your mind with theirs and you'll be able to talk, it's the same with going into someone's mind but you have to faze into that link and those links can never be broken unless they die in which you can make the dead appear". Nodding as well as doing what he says and still seeing everyone's reaction along as the mixed-up animals by them, literally one is a panda bat that I want to steal. Then I start to talk 'Zoro can you hear me'? He freaks out a bit, doing a slight yelp as he falls on the ground "what the-"? "Oi Zoro are you ok" Luffy asks tilting his head. Zoro nods with a small blush grumbling that he heard something. I snicker and try again 'yes, it is me and you can talk to me in your head just have to say something in your head, I'm trying out my powers and thought you would be great'. 'Weird but ok, did that work'? 'Yes, perfect now we have a link in case something happens, and I will do this with the other crew would you mind telling them please'? I hear him sigh and whisper to everyone, hearing them say how cool and useful it is. Ussop freaked a bit as I connected our links but calmed down, then Luffy gushed on how amazing this is and Nami being her was very calm but a little perturbed. Then link everyone so we can talk to one another instead of just me talking to them. "Great job linking everyone, keep going" Bill whispers so I can concentrate as felt a little sweaty combining the four links since it would be easier to control when it's not separate 'I linked everyone so the next time I use this it would be easier to do since I had to do more than one and we can all talk to one another instead of just me and one person, I will be back after I relax see you guys' and I get bye's and see You's in return. I stop the links and open my eyes seeing things a bit blurry but I'm not wobbly so that's good. "Easy toots it did take a bit of a toll merging them all, but you did great, later on we will work on other stuff" he says booping my nose making me scrunch it a bit. Eventually smiling as I relax by a small stream, dipping my feet in as Bill disappears 'try teleporting to them when you have rested, all you need to do is think about the person and feel for their aura then POP you will appear. I nod as I relax a bit more playing with the small stream beside me before standing deciding to teleport to my friends when I hear a tiny rustle and look to my left seeing the panda bat from earlier "why hello there, you are so cute" tilting her head before flying away, then felt for Luffy's aura and feeling myself POP away. Appearing by Luffy as he sits near some open chests about to get down "so we're leaving' huh"? He nods and we all go to the boat but not without the tiny panda bat being the size of a softball had come up to me once more, getting attached to me cuddling my hand. I pet her after waving bye to shrub man with the hand I was petting her with "take care of her, she is one of a kind" he smiles. "I will".

We sail away from the island, Nami aging at the small panda bat "your name will be

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We sail away from the island, Nami aging at the small panda bat "your name will be.... hmm how about Poppy" she chirps happily and fly to my right shoulder rubbing her face to mine, smiling as I pat her head. Then have her meet the others. Looks like I didn't have to steal her haha. The other animals got along great; I think this will be the final animal I get so the ship doesn't get crowded...maybe.

                  I am so sorry this took so long, I had to dog sit for nine days and had to relax for a bit after. Hope u lik this chapter, also I will be dog sitting again on the 18th. I might type stories while I'm there, but I will be watching the One Piece series so I can get write more. Bye bye, thanks for reading.

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