Chapter 11

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"WHEEE" I say as we pick up speed then Zoro and I hear a low groan "what was that" he asks, "I heard it too" then look forwards "WHALE". Since the rudder broke it couldn't turn even with Sanji, Zoro, and Ussop trying to turn it BOOM. Luffy sets off the canon and I catch Nami as she was about to fall with Luffy's special seat breaking at the impact, making him so angry he punches the whale's eye "LUFFY WHY" Nami yells as he jumps on the whale as our ship gets sucked into its mouth making us freak out. "Woah is this real" they all ask, "we were swallowed by the whale". "An illusion" Zoro says acting cool making me smirk when a squid shows up and Nami and Ussop freaks out "I got it" I said twirling my scythe. "Swing batter batter" knocking it down "Where is Luffy" Ussop asks "ya where is he" Nami replies. An old man appears and stares intensely before sitting down making me giggle. "Hey, we have a canon, and we are not afraid to use it" Ussop threatens "if you do someone will die... me" making me sweat drop. I start staring off into space as they talk more making me lose focus then waves start up "hitting his head on the red line" I hear is the cause of the waves. I start rubbing my egg after untying it a bit but not too much where it will fall out 'miss Wednesday and number 9 are here, they are a joke honestly, but I like Wednesday after she joins us, 'oh look Luffy and the two yahoos fly into the stomach acid' I roll my eyes as Luffy says "a little help" and SPLASH. I snap my fingers and they appear on our ship "these are pirates" Wednesday says 'gee what manners, I didn't even get a thank you' I grumble as they shoot mini cannon balls inside of the whale "you are still here then; you are not to harm this whale while I'm still alive" and he jumps into the line of fire and Luffy hits them both. We save him and he thanks us 'finally a thank you' I thought as Luffy tries to climb the tree as Ussop holds him back, while I heat up my egg as we slowly move to the exit making us smile "THE SKY" Luffy laughs. Untying my hood all the way I wonder when they will hatch as I hum a random tune " then start floating listening now and then to the story of Laboon then Luffy runs screaming "GUM GUM"- 'what'? "OUR MAST" and they start fighting, he is flown into the lighthouse "it's a draw, someday after we travel the grandline I will come back for a rematch" Luffy says making Laboon's eyes water, crying out making the old man smile. A wonky painted symbol of the straw hats is on the nose and Ussop asks where the two weirdos went. "I dunno must have gotten away" Luffy picks up the log pose "what's this"? I tilt my head and we start doing our own thing, man we have been so busy Ussop couldn't help me with my bag "AAHHHHHH" Nami yells breaking my thoughts "the compass is not working"! The old man explains that the Grandline is chaotic, there is no sense, needing a log pose and Luffy holds one up as he eats more fish. Nami hits him "why didn't you tell me you had one" as I hold Nami back from killing him and huffs before holding the log pose in her hands "those two dropped it on the deck". "Aww I didn't get to eat any food" I pout as Sanji picks up a fuss and kicks Luffy away making the log pose break. Nami hits them into the water angrily "I don't want to see your faces, now what do we do"? "Don't worry I will give you one for helping Laboon" the man says. Wednesday and mister 9 ask for a ride home "please we are begging you" Nami holds up her arm "our log pose broke" they fall to the ground "that was mine" the male says. "Ya we will take you" Luffy says "next stop is Whiskey Peak" and we sail off, Luffy celebrating and jumping around with me still floating.

Next part brought to you by a crazy author drinking some bang "OI DROP THAT" Zoro says "NEVAAAAHH MWAHAHAHAA", "author-chan is so beautiful all hyped up" as I run around avoiding Zoro as much as I could.

              "AHHH YOU'RE FLOATING" I roll my eyes looking towards 9 "so you noticed huh"? His soul floats out as Wednesday looks shocked. Snow starts covering the ship "it was hot and sunny a few minutes ago" and I walk outside hearing Luffy and Ussop fight making me giggle but also making sure to keep the egg heated, as Sanji shovels. Now it's thundering and lightning out, Nami yells "take a 180, we are going the wrong direction" with Zoro still sleeping. I help everyone as much as I can using my powers to steer us away from the ice then Sanji shows up with riceballs and we eat some. I make sure the rain and wind don't deter us when it slowly becomes sunny once more, that's when Zoro decides to wake "what are you so tired for, it's a sunny day" making me growl, so loudly in fact that it scares 9 and Wed along with Zoro gulping a bit and he turns to the two "what are you doing here"? "Taking them home" Luffy says, and I curl around my egg protectively as Zoro talks to the two and Nami hits him with a menacing aura around her "you slept while we worked" "huh" Zoro asks getting a menacing aura around him as well. She hits him a few more times until he's sprawled on the ground "we are here" Nami points seeing giant cactuses and the weirdos swim off "the log pose needs to set before we sail again, so we will stay here for a while", "I shall keep you safe Nami and (Y/n)" as Ussop says something about a disease making me smirk and walk to him "want me to cure it" I say getting into his face, he looks at me shocked and blushes as I tilt my head smiling slightly "get ready" Nami says as we see figures in the fog and we stand ready. Then hear cheering "welcome", "greetings", "pirates are always welcome" then we land and speak with the mayor saying hospitality is their thing or whatever. We start partying till the moon comes up, I pretend to get drunk when in reality I can't and "have fun" with everyone else, I don't join in the drinking contest since it would be unfair to everyone else. Nami is on her 12th pint while Luffy eats to his hearts content and I keep sipping my drinks while humming to my egg, feeling it pulse as I do so. Zoro passes out and Nami keeps going "I WIN HAHAHAHA" I sigh and pretend to sleep like Nami but still keeping my egg close to me, when no one is in here I peek open an eye instantly seeing the tall woman walk out and my ear twitches as Zoro moves on the roof and I stand up walking to the door to listen in "HOW DO YOU KNOW OUR NAME"? "You're organization tried recruiting me" Zoro says "then we have no choice but to kill you, KILL HIM" then they gasp "he's gone"! Giggling quietly as I imagine Zoro in-between everyone and they shoot each other "ask yourself, would one gravestone be enough" making me fangirl silently "(Y/n) are you fangirling" Nami asks quietly scaring me as I couldn't hear her since I was listening intensely "maybe" I whisper as she sighs "follow me but don't be seen" I nod. I follow Nami from the shadows so no one could see me, keeping an eye out as I hear Zoro fight off the others but not hurt a kid, knocking them out. "Seriously this is all the treasure" Nami grumbles saying something about it being a useless town as I hum "here have some of my money" I say grabbing some out of my pouch "thank you so much, this is so much though" she counts making me shrug "yours now" she hugs me happily making me purr and hug back just as tightly and rub my face on hers but still keeping my egg safe "you're so sweet and kind" I smile letting go as she does, she blushes a tiny bit and clears her throat "we should get going". "you don't mind if I flirt with you right, I mean since you are a female as well I don't want to make you uncomfortable" I whisper as she blushes slightly more and shakes her head as we keep walking, avoiding the bounty hunters. I smile and purr making her walk faster her blush slowly leaving then I hear 9 fall on wooden boxes making me snicker but a strong perfume invades my nose making my growl lowly "what's wrong" Nami asks "strong scents hurt since I'm more of a cat now" she nods looking at me sadly as I hold my nose "better" my voice sounding funny making Nami giggle slightly. We now silently walk around but stop to listen to the conversation from behind one building, talking about taking Princess Vivi once known as Wednesday infiltrating Baroque Works (spelling?) and I take a deep breath and let it all out slowly then look at the Cipher wheel on my hand to keep from ruining things and saving Luffy as he sleeps through the bullets being fired when the mayor guy was stopped. Zoro runs taking Luffy as they talk then drop him on the ground, mayor asks for his help to protect Vivi as she takes Carue and run with the new guys following. Nami sits on the building above "I thought you were asleep" Zoro says "no, who would with bounty hunters around, so about my reward"? "Please save her" as Nami and Zoro fight about him saving Vivi and I see Luffy get up "need to pee" and roll my eyes "please Zoro, help Vivi" I make a sad face making him huff "damn woman" as I smile as he runs off "thank you" I coo "SHUT UP" Nami looks shocked "wow, how did you do that" I shrug "natural to me". "I should be there to save her" mayor says "don't worry, Zoro may be thick but he's strong" Nami says making me nod "indeed" I purr snapping my right fingers as I hear a booger bomb go off 'gross', saving the tall woman "wha- no I need to-" I look to her "don't worry a friend will save her, but for now make sure you stay alive I like you and you are very loyal to those you trust, help those who need it" she shuts up and looks away thinking as mayor talks to Nami after getting over his shock "ok" she whispers "keep her safe" and she walks off "I will, promise" I call back, Then walk to mayor and sit him up "I'm going to heal you ok"? He nods slowly "stay safe, we will handle everything" and look to Nami "would you like a piggy back darling" I wink making her look away "no I'm good and we start walking seeing Zoro and Luffy fight, Nami's blush goes away replaced by rage and as they get ready to hit each other again she lifts both fists "WILL YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF" she hits them both making Vivi look on in shock as I sigh shaking my head "boys, don't mind them Vivi". "We need to keep the girl safe" she says holding the boys by their shirt as they keep fighting, then knock 'em out. "Why didn't you say so, I thought you hit them because they didn't have certain food" Luffy laughs "why would you think that" says Zoro angrily. Vivi tells us about Alabasta, about the war and how the organization wants to take over, then her wanting to protect her people "did you find out who's in charge" she freaks out "you wouldn't be able to go against Crocodile" and I hug Nami from behind sticking my tongue out at the seal and vulture before she shakes Vivi then Nami walks away "they don't know what I look like" then the seal draws her "that looks so good, oh no" as they fly off she sulks. I sigh as they talk some more ignoring them as Nami tries to talk them out of it but gives up and I pat her back "we will get through this, don't worry" I whisper and she looks up "thank you" and we walk to Ingram's (AKA the mayor guy) ship. He was given the eternal pose and sailed off but it blew up, Nami and I hug Vivi "our friends are strong, it's them who should worry" then we start running "we're ready to go" and Vivi says she is not leaving without her duck but he was already onboard, now we're off as Sanji and Ussop whine about staying making Nami knock them out. "With all this fog, need to avoid rocks" I hear Robin or miss all Sunday say and calmly turn to her as everyone else freaks out, tilting my head when her eyes land on me "I just happen upon your diversion" and they start talking then everyone holds out their weapons towards her or in Luffy and Sanji's case a fighting stance, she uses her devil fruit to drop their weapons and she takes Luffy's hat "I heard a lot about you Monkey D. Luffy you are headed towards Little Garden" she gives Vivi an eternal pose and Luffy's hat back and I tilt my head once more as Luffy breaks the pose, Nami hits him and he says "I decide where this ship goes". "Bye bye miss Sunday" I purr as everyone sweat drops and she looks back with barely contained shock before jumping onto a giant turtle "ooh I love turtles". "Are you getting jealous" Sanji asks Nami "not a bit" she deadpanned. "Ussop help me with my  pouch I wanted to make please" he looks to me "oh yeah, we've been so busy I forgot, yeah sure" I grab everything and set them on the deck with my backpack and dump everything out in a box before sitting down and we get to work. (I HATE ADS SO MUCH)

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