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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)

Aftercare and Ivarr don't really go hand-in-hand. Mostly because before you, he never really cared for his partners (who we're always onetime flings), only his pleasure. That said, he's getting better from the first times you laid with him because he's started realizing he likes you (and it's high-key a terrifying thought to him).

Before, he wouldn't even stay long after the deed was done, but once the feelings you have for one another start to mature —and you maybe even share a tent (Ivarr claims its easier just to stay with him so he can fuck you whenever, but you suspect something else too)— he starts taking the time to clean you both up, maybe even give a little massage to the bruises his fingertips leave on your thighs and hips. He's still not so sure about the post-coitus cuddles, but if you want to rest your head on his chest, he's not going to stop you —he might even wrap an arm around your waist once he thinks you're asleep.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

Ivarr's favorite part of him is well...all of him. He's a bit cocksure about his skills in battle and that carries over to how he views himself too. Definitely the type to have the what's not to love attitude. But if he has to pick a part of him, he's inclined to say his arms/chest. Years of throwing axes, fighting, and torture even have given him strong arms and a built chest. Perfect for holding you still when you squirm under him or pinning you against a wall or lifting you over his shoulder to parade around camp as his spoils.

If it's soft and Ivarr can squeeze it, he likes it. Equally likes your ass and tits for that reason, but also has a soft spot for your thighs and stomach.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

He's filthy about cum and has the mindset of the messier, the better. The most primal part of him always wants to cum deep inside you and then watch his seed drip from your cunt —the sight alone is almost enough to get him ready to go another round, and sometimes he cleans his mess by laving it up with his tongue. It's also an excuse for him to torment your already oversensitive body, drawing another orgasm from you. As much as he likes filling you up, Ivarr also enjoys decorating your skin with his cum —especially your stomach and breasts. He doesn't think he'll ever forget the sight of you on your knees, though. Lips and cheeks painted with his seed. Just the thought is enough to get him riled up.

D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

Keeping secrets isn't one of Ivarr's things. He's loud, he's open, and he doesn't care what others think about him, so there aren't many 'dirty' secrets he has that you don't already know. Ivarr's never explicitly stated it, but he loves getting you riled up, even if it's over little things because angry sex is among his favorite types. He enjoys how much you fight against him for control and loves how you both come away with bruises, scratches, and lovebites —it fuels his kink for marking you as his, so everyone knows he's who claims your body.

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

Not very, at least, not in the sense of pleasing his partners. Sure, he knows how to fuck hard-and-fast to find his own pleasure, but taking time to make his partner feel good too? That's foreign territory to Ivarr. One that you have to help him navigate. He's a quick learner, though, and can play your body like a lyre in no time at all —and having you moan and cry his name is an ego booster, so perhaps there's something a little selfish behind his motivations to see how many times he can make you come in a night.

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

All of them. Ivarr does not care, so long as he can take you and be the one calling the shots. Bent over a table? Yes. You riding him? Yes —you might feel you're in control on top of him, but Ivarr is always quick to remind you otherwise with a slap on the ass or him moving your hips how he pleases. The sideways position you often find yourselves in for morning sex? Yes. That said, he has a slight preference for being on top of you. It always fills him with pride when he can watch you fall apart beneath him —and pin you down. He's particularly fond of throwing your legs up on his shoulders and ruining you. It gives him the perfect view to watch how your face contorts and see your body move in time with his hard thrusts.

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