↳ for the dancing and the dreaming

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eivor wolfsmal proposes in his own unique way, inspired by how to train your dragon.

THE ENTITY OF the village is gathered at the mead hall —feasting and drinking. Celebrations will continue until dawn breaks. The raiding season had come to a close, and the spoils were in a heap at the front of the long table. Jarl Arne looks over the gold, silver, and trinkets with an approving nod, passing one of the golden necklaces to his wife. It is a good time to be in Stavanger.

You lean back against a thick wooden beam, belly full and mead in hand with your sister, Tove, sitting next to you. You both watch as Eivor is wrestled to the ground by a swarm of boys and girls. Over their cries of joy, you can make out his deep laughter. The mighty warrior is pinned beneath a pile of small bodies. Most are quick to heed the call of their parents' but some protest being called away at the late hour. Eivor is like a big brother to many of the village children and to others he's more akin to a father figure for those who lost theirs in the summer raids.

Brushing the straw from his tunic, Eivor lumbers over to you and Tove, sinking to the earthen floor beside you, smiling. You pluck pieces of straw from his golden head —unbound his hair falls just past his shoulders. He drapes an arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "I see they left you in one piece," you laugh, patting his thigh.

"They put up quite the fight," Eivor replies. Slipping the cup of mead from your hand, he takes a long drag from it. He shifts and leans toward you, pressing a quick kiss to your temple. A rush of heat up races to your cheeks —even after the two of you had been together for many seasons and raids, such a simple action could still make you blush. At least tonight you can blame it on the exceptionally strong mead.

Tove leans forward, hand resting on her swollen belly. "Skol!" She announces, raising her cup of watered mead. Eivor reciprocates the gesture and takes another drink. Not long after, Tove rises and returns to Bjórr's side at the long table.

Eivor's hand slips down your arm, his calloused fingers slipping through your own. "It's good to see her happy again since father passed," you sigh watching as Tove laughs when Einarr presses his ear against her belly in hopes to hear the unborn babe. Your father had passed in the autumn, and the grief had almost been too much for Tove and baby —it hadn't helped that Bjórr had been in the Danish countryside at the time.

The bear of a man next you nods, blue eyes sparkling in the firelight. He hadn't mentioned he'd gone to your father to seek his approval to wed you. The old man had laughed, proclaiming it a day he'd never thought would come but was always inevitable. You and Eivor had been inseparable since childhood. "I–" Eivor starts, you look up at him flushed from the mead and warmth. The words on the tip of his tongue vanish, and all he manages is, "I really like that dress." You laugh, glancing at the newly mended dress of blue and green wool, then turn toward him —unwittingly running a finger down the scar cutting across his cheek.

Jarl Arne calls over the hall for music and soon there's a chorus of lyres and flutes, the tables and wooden cups serving as drums. There are dancing and singing, clapping and laughing. Eivor holds you tight against him swaying to the music until a little girl named Gyda comes asking him if he'll dance with her. He kisses your cheek before jumping to his feet, sweeping the small girl up into a jolly dance.

After a while Eivor is standing before you, hand outstretched. You lay your hand in his, and he pulls you up to your feet and to the center of the flurry of dancing bodies. And then the song changes, it's a tune he's been thinking about often of late, humming to himself and making words fit the notes.

"The stars ever unchanging, they guide us on paths unseen," he starts, voice warm and deep. Asides from the instruments the rest of the hall grows nigh silent. Eivor spins you 'round. "And you were written in my saga–" he tugs you back into his broad chest, arms wrapping about your waist "–destined to collide with me!"

Your carefree grin is enough to make his words falter but on the next beat, he continues, swinging you around the clearing. "Like the fish needs the water and the raven needs the sky, you and I were born to be," he continues, the two of you dancing in a circle, hand-in-hand. Eivor steps closer then he goes to one knee as the song comes to a close. "Will you marry me?"

There's no hesitation in your response when you bend forward, kissing him before all Stavanger. You've loved him since you were both children. His hands grip onto your waist as you cup his face —fingers slipping back into his soft golden hair. You pull back to the sound of clapping and victorious toasts. Tove is near tears at the sight. Eivor rises back to his feet, standing a head taller than you. "Did that mean yes?" He laughs as the music resumes.

"Of course it meant yes," you smile, tugging him down by the collar of his tunic until his lips are on yours, beard tickling your cheek and jaw. Eivor swears you've made him the happiest man in all nine realms. Breaking apart, he pulls you back into another dance until you're both out of breath and close to sweating. Falling back near the edge of the hall, you sit with your legs draped across his lap, hands entwined. When you lay your head against his shoulder, Eivor nods toward the doors —he'll leave the revelry to others, especially when he can fall asleep holding you.

The festivities will likely go on until the birds sing, but you both slip from the warmth of the mead hall into the brisk night. Eivor scoops you into his arms and starts toward your shared home at the edge of the settlement. The Moon casts an ethereal glow on your skin —enchanting Eivor. You rest your hand on his cheek, fingers lazily combing through his beard. "They say you stole me in moonlight," you begin softly, following the same tune he'd sung to, "but love, I was always yours for we were written in the stars."

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