↳ rest and relaxation

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 during his vacation on korfu, alexios finds someone to help him relax and ease his troubled mind.

SINCE WAR BETWEEN Athens and Sparta broke out, Korfu had become a sanctuary away from the turmoil, a haven for weary politicians and merchants, and no shortage of rogues. Even with the undesirable company, there's nowhere in Hellas this peaceful, not when the lands of Korintha and Megaris had been ravaged by campaigns. No, Korfu is secluded from the affairs of the city-states, with clear waters and white beaches and cloudless nights —perfect for looking into the heavens. The peace leads to quiet, predictable lives, so long as the pirates keep to themselves on the northern side of the island, and for the most part, they do.

This evening is no different from the one that came before —a peaceful reprieve from the day's labors within the walls of Kerkyra. The villa rooftop overlooks the sea, waves shining gold as the Sun dips below the horizon and into to water. It's a familiar knock from below that draws you from the vista and back into your chambers below. "Alexios," you greet, opening the door, already knowing it would be the eagle bearing misthios. He arrived on the evening tide just over two moons ago, but since then, he's come to be a thorn in your side —albeit a thorn you're not eager to rid yourself of. "Back so soon?" You tease.

Alexios had come to Korfu to escape the woes of his life and the people in it, but he finds himself drawn to you, inexplicably. It was happenstance when you came upon each other in the baths late one night after his arrival. Both trying to find time away from the busy hours of the day and social gatherings in the evenings to unwind and wash away the worries of the day. He scratches the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly —it hadn't been two days ago that you and Alexios spent a slow evening together.

Regardless, since his arrival, you've not wanted or lacked good company. Alexios leans his head back on the lip of the bath with a sigh, eyes shut. You take a moment to look over him —at ease, the tension in his brow and shoulders gone, his broad and strong chest rising and falling with slow breaths. You always heard mercenaries were brutes and were told to avoid their company, just like pirates. And maybe Alexios is a brute too, but you've yet to see that side of him if it even exists. "I haven't been able to relax like this in years," he admits, a soft groan escaping his lips when you run your hands across his shoulders and neck.

Alexios turns, resting his chin atop folded arms on the edge of the bath —his gaze flits up to you, sitting with knees pulled to your chest, your pale linen peplos nigh transparent from the splashes of water and steam lingering in the air. He's quiet as he looks over you, but his dark stare is heated enough to make you flush and look away to keep your mind and eyes from wandering. His hand shackles your ankle, dragging you to the edge of the bath, then into the water before you can protest. "Alexios!" You chide, pushing away from him, but he only smiles —a charming, boyish one— and leans his head back

He watches you, dark and kind eyes following each of your movements —like now, how your hands brush over his arm, fingertips finding the raised scars wrapping around his bicep. Alexios's muscles tense at the soft touch, his arm flexing under your touch, and he almost laughs at how quickly warmth rushes to your cheeks and can only imagine what's turning the cogs of your mind. Your gaze flits up to his, then back down. "How did you get these?" You know he is a misthios, and they seldom lead gentle lives, but these do not look like the others —those you could tell were from the edge of a blade.

"Protecting someone I loved," he answers, guilt and despair slipping into his voice as he slips into memories. "Her name was Phoibe," he explains, remembering the first time she'd shown up on the streets —trying to take a coin from Markos for food. "She was an orphan girl on Kephallonia who thought no challenge was too big for her to conquer." Alexios laughs. "Got us into a lot of trouble." You smile at the fondness in his voice for the girl, hand still resting over the scars, unable to look away from the gleam in his tawny-gold eyes. "She found a wolf cub, thought its mother abandoned it." There's not much more to explain; a mother would always protect her young.

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