↳ a little farmhand

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eivor thinks starting a family isn't a bad choice and you're more than hopeful for what his proposition means. rated 18+ for smut.

THE PALE TUNIC clings to his chest and arms as he works the plough, turning up dark, fertile earth. Eivor finishes another row and straightens his back, wiping the sweat from his brow. He looks over his shoulder at the line —almost straight— and finds you a few paces behind him, sowing seeds of wheat and barley. It is hard work between the two of you and takes several days to plant everything, enough to have stores to last through the winter. Tying off the satchel on your hip filled with seeds, you move toward Eivor —reaching up to brush the dirt from his cheeks. The work may be hard, but it is worth it in the end.

Though, there has been a budding idea in Eivor's mind that could help lessen the workload for springs to come. He lays his dirtied hands on your hips, drawing you close into his chest. "Elskede mitt," he begins, an endearment often used whenever he has done something you advised him against or is planning mischief. "What if," his voice trails off as his clear gaze shifts from the cloudy sky back to you, "we made a little farmhand?" There is a glint in his eyes, and you cannot help but smile —pushing up to meet him a quick kiss to seal the proposition.

By mid-afternoon, the field is ploughed, and the seeds are sown. The work has been done, but now the gods will decide if the crops grow or wither. Both you and Eivor are covered in the day's sweat, mud sticking to your clothes and skin. Nothing sounds better than a good bath to wash away the sweat and woes, but he has a place in mind other than the wooden tub. Eivor takes your hand, leading you from the homestead and to a familiar path in the forest.

Water lapping at a rocky shore breaks the silence as you and Eivor emerge from the foliage and onto the beach of the small cove. Nothing has changed since the last time you were here. This had always been yours and Eivor's spot —a quiet place away from the village. There is a small island out from the shoreline where seals come to rest in the winter months, though now that spring has arrived and the water warms it leaves the rocky edifice rising from the dark water bare. "It's been ages since we came here," you muse with a tinge of sadness, it had been so long since you and Eivor escaped the duties life demanded.

"You remember sneaking off at night?" Eivor asks, wrapping one of his arms around your middle and pulling you back into his chest. His beard tickles your cheek when he places a short kiss to your temple. It was a favorite pastime for you and Eivor when you were both younger —sneaking off at odd hours of the day and night. Most of the time you ended up here. Swimming and playing with the seals. It was even here that you and he had shared a clumsy first kiss —that feels like a lifetime ago.

Laughing, you turn around and look up, meeting his soft gaze. "I remember my father almost catching us," you remark. There had been several times when your father nearly caught you sneaking out or returning just before dawn with Eivor Wolfsmal trailing alongside you with that cantankerous raven of his. In retrospect, all those late nights and early mornings did not matter once Eivor approached your father, asking to court you with his and the gods' blessings. Courtship turned to marriage —no one in the little village could say they were surprised, you and Eivor had always been attached at the hip, never far from one another.

Reaching up, you unclasp one of the brooches holding up a scarlet woolen outer-dress, but before you can do the other, Eivor beats you to it and against his hands the gold and amber brooch is minuscule. He watches, eyes never straying as you shrug off your stained pale-blue shift —laying it across a boulder with your short outer-dress. Rough hands trail along your sides, sending a shiver down your back. Eivor leaves a line of kisses along your shoulder as he reaches to unbind the strip of wool covering your chest, placing it with the rest of your clothes.

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