↳ the sculptor

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the subject of your masterpiece arrives and is pleased with what he finds. rated 18+ for smut.

YOU RUSH TO conceal your most recent project when he strides into the workshop, shoulders back and head held high. There's not enough time to drape a cloth over the statue before he spots it near your workbench. Had you been expecting to see the misthios back so soon you would have ensured it was hidden. It's only about as tall as Alexios is himself, except it's standing on a base about three hands high, and it's naked except for a pair of sandals that look suspiciously like the ones Alexios wears now.

The stone looks smooth and he reaches out to touch it, one thigh, one hip, then his fingers trace the pronounced furrow that runs from hip to pubis. He does that with one hand, with the other one, he feels the same place on himself. They match. "It's a good likeness." You say —more like a statement than a question. You know you're right because it's obvious who the statue is. Alexios recognizes his own face on it. He glances over his shoulder with a kink in his lips.

"Oh, I don't know–" Alexios replies, voice trailing off. He drags a crate across the floor with a squeak of wood on stone and stands on top of it. Bringing him face to face and eye to eye with the statue that looks so very much like he does. He rests his hands on the statue's arms for a moment, rubbing the place where his scars should be but aren't. Without a word, he unbuckles the sword from around his waist and tosses it down to the floor.

Then he pulls his tunic off over his head and he drops it to the ground, too. A few quick pulls on loose knots and his loincloth joins the growing pile of discarded clothing. He turns, naked except for his sandals —those sandals, the ones the statue's wearing. He puts his hands on his hips and looks down at you — trying to keep your gaze focused on his tawny-gold eyes. "What do you think?" he asks. "Does it look like me?"

You swallow, nodding as your eyes dart over his body —more exposed than it had been at the Games. "It does," you say. "Except–" you flap one hand in the direction of that exception. Alexios laughs. No doubt it would be easier to sell the statue with a smaller, more aesthetically pleasing manhood. He reaches out and gives the statue's stone cock and balls an amused squeeze, then he does the same with his substantially larger ones. Your cheeks turn bright red and flustered you glance away at another half-finished project.

Alexios narrows his eyes. "You are going to sell it, aren't you?"

"What if I like where it is right now?" You counter, defensively. It gives you a sense of protection to have the Eagle Bearer watching over you day and night in the workshop on the outskirts of Korinth. He's never around for more than a night or two and the statue's presence serves as a daily reminder of the man you love.

"But the stone alone must have cost–" he gestures vaguely, unsure how much marble costs, unsure where you got it from, if you'd bought it for this, or borrowed it from a separate commission. Alexios cannot imagine it had been cheap, though.

"And maybe I think it was worth the cost," you tell him, arms crossed, and gaze focused on his chiseled face. It had not been difficult to recreate his physique when he was already carved out of stone by the gods. "And maybe I pray Aphrodite brings my statue to life, too," you add, softly. —at least then Alexios would never have to leave on the morning tides.

That catches his attention, and he quirks one of his brows in question. "Have you ever touched it? After it was finished as Pygmalion did?" You say nothing, but he catches your eyes darting across his chest and down to his semi-hard cock. Just like that, he has his answer. You may have not touched the statue, but you'd certainly thought about him since he last visited.

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