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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Eivor is affectionate, but he's also a reserved person when in public —if you're walking the village streets or attending a celebration, you can expect a kiss on the cheek or forehead, maybe even holding hands, but nothing more excessive than that. But away from others, Eivor loves holding you close and kissing you often and deeply. He's known to surprise you with gifts as tokens of his love and even teaches Sýnin what your favorite flowers are. There's always a stalk or bloom bedside until the winter takes them away until spring.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

You and Eivor's friendship would start from a young age —with him finding you getting into more trouble than you can handle with some of the boys in the village. Now instead of you getting into trouble all by your lonesome, you have someone else to drag into the scuffles. Sigurd usually ends up having break up whatever you and Eivor get yourselves into. The two of you may be older and claim to both be wiser, but not much has changed since your first meeting —other than being able to call each other husband and wife.

He's the best kind of friend you could ask for. He's there whenever you need him and is one to put your needs above his own. Like the time he stayed by yourself for almost a week while you were sick with a spring fever. Eivor made sure to deliver tonics from the healer, bring hot meals and extra blankets, and offer himself up for cuddles.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Eivor and cuddling go hand-in-hand. You won't need a fire in the hearth if he's around, as he's naturally a warm person —even on the coldest of nights. Eivor is always the big spoon, but you don't mind. He'll draw you close to his chest and press his cheek into the crown of your head, arms securely wrapped around your waist. Surrounded by Eivor's arms and warmth, you're perhaps the safest person in all nine realms. There are rare nights when Eivor ends up the little spoon, though —if that happens, it's because he's not feeling well or is recovering from injury. On nights when it's warmer, you can both agree cuddling isn't ideal, but even then, you'll always be touching somehow —an arm draped over his chest, one of his legs entwined with yours.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

One day Eivor does want to settle down. The thought of having a farmstead and raising a family with you never fails to make him smile. One day is still well into the future, but Eivor is always working toward that dream even if his brother, Sigurd, teases him often about trading in the warrior's life for that of a simple farmer.

Eivor can cook sufficiently enough to ensure neither you nor he starves, but you tend to do most of the cooking —even the simplest of stews can be made tenfold better by your hand. He is adept at keeping house too and is always willing to lend a hand with menial tasks and chores. Eivor has no problem with kneeling beside you at a stream to scrub clothes clean or sit by your side at the fire while you mend clothes. He's especially good at threading needles.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

Eivor wouldn't want to end a relationship with you —he loves you, and nothing will ever change that— but he knows sailing to new lands comes with risks, and he doesn't want you to dwell on the past should something happen to him. Everything would seem normal until the morning the longships are set to leave. With a heavy heart and tearful gaze, Eivor would pull you to the side on the docks, asking that you not wait for his return and find happiness with someone else. Brokenhearted, you watch him sail on the tide, knowing no one but Eivor can make you happy

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