↳ a siren's song

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kassandra tries helping her little brother find himself after the Cult falls, what she doesn't expect is for him to be so taken with you. rated 18+ for smut.

"KASSANDRA!" THE EAGLE Bearer returns to Gytheion days after she initially departed to tell Sparta of Brasidas's death and visit the mountaintop on which her life was forfeit. Barnabas clasps onto her shoulder and you welcome her with open arms.

Behind her is a stranger of roughly the same height, but broader. She motions toward the man, and the resemblance becomes clear. Deimos. "This is Alexios," she announces to both you and the crew.

Alexios has the look of someone who doesn't sleep much. Dark circles ring his eyes –as if no amount of rest can make them fade. In the days since he has joined the Adrestia, you catch him slipping off in dreams only to jerk back awake.

Most of the crew tries to avoid him. You suppose you can't blame them considering the tales of the atrocities committed by his hand at the Cult's bidding. You don't mean to ignore him, but given his disposition and past –you're unsure of how to approach Kassandra's brother.

One night, after a storm passes, he approaches you and kneels next to your spot at the bow of the ship. Your gaze is focused on the heavens –the gods have a funny away of creating beauty from violence "You're used to seafaring?" He asks. He and Kassandra had made an offering to Poseidon over the side of the Adrestia during the storm, even some of the deckhands loosed their last meal to the sea, but not you or Barnabas.

You nod. "I grew up on the sea." Your mother had died shortly after giving birth to your sister –she hadn't lived to see a full moon pass. Your father was a captain of an Athenian vessel who'd lost his life after deciding a life of piracy could be more profitable than serving his nation. Barnabas had taken you in as a scrawny little girl causing trouble on the streets in Chios. Since then, you'd lived life at sea and had met the legendary misthios Kassandra on the shores of Kephallonia.

He seems surprised. Sea life gives many people a certain harsh look, but you are as fair as any deity. You pat Alexios's shoulder and offer a kind smile –one of the first he's seen. "You'll get your sea-legs soon," you tell him.

At night when most of the crew has retired below the deck, Alexios teaches you how to use a bow. Your skills with a blade are satisfactory –Kassandra had taught you some tricks during longer voyages, but after barely missing an arrow to the thigh in a pirate attack you decide it would be nice to learn. A target is mounted on the mast.

"Loosen this hand," he instructs, covering the hand gripping the olive bow with his own. It doesn't dawn on you how close he is until you feel his breath ghosting over your cheek. Shivers move down your spine –suddenly it's hard to focus on the target.

A handful of moons have passed since Alexios had come aboard the Adrestia, the crew has all taken to his presence to certain degrees. Though you and he seem exceptionally fond of one another even if neither of you can see it.

"Use your mouth as an anchor," he breathes. Alexios pushes up on your elbow and steps back when he is pleased with your form. You let the arrow fly. It hangs in the air for only a second before thudding in the center. It's the first time you've succeeded in striking the painted red circle.

You drop the bow out of excitement and leap into Alexios's arms. He wasn't expecting it and the two of you tumble backward on the deck. You land on his stomach, face flushed red, and no other choice but to laugh at your folly. He smiles –one of the first you've seen grace his sharp features. "Sorry," you breathe, but he shakes his head and helps you back to your feet.

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