Chapter 8 - The Plan to Strike, Part III

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The room that the super powered duo has entered is very dark. They kept themselves ready to fight if they were to suffer a sneak attack. Stridius surveys the room with his night vision sight. He spots a throne-like structure at the far end of the room, but there is no one sitting on it.

"What do you see?" Hyperlad asks.

"I see a throne-like structure, but the place is empty," Stridius replied.

"Did we miss him?" Hyperlad wondered.

"Who knows..." said Stridius.

Suddenly, something tall looms behind the unsuspecting duo as it eyes shine in an eerie red color. Stridius turns back only for his gaze to meet the mysterious entity. He quickly grabs his friend by the arm and move away from it.

"What's the problem!?" his confused friend questioned, not knowing why.

"Take a look!" Stridius points at the tall red-eyed figure.

Hyperlad witness the figure staring back at them with murderous intent. Then suddenly, the lights came on in the room. Now that everything is lit up now, the two boys can see what snuck up behind them in the dark. It is a 9'2 ft humanoid machine with many sharp protrusions coming from its shoulders and upper arms. There are also three sharp protrusions from its head which has an uncanny resemblance to a crown. The chest area looks somewhat like a skeletal rib cage with a yellow gemstone embedded in the center. Its legs are long and have a mini gatling guns on each leg. Out of the machines they fought so far, this one has a more intimidating presence.

"It certainly looks a lot tougher than the other scrap metal we bashed up!" Hyperlad judges from its appearance.

Soon, the mysterious robot begins speaking to the masked duo in a distorted mechanical voice, "You certainly are not like the weak humans we are used to dealing with. Input response!"

Hyperlad steps up to interrogate the android, "Input response? Fine, whatever! First, tell us who you are and why are the machines are attacking the people of Sandia!?"

"Response accepted..." the machine said before explaining the reason behind the attacks. "First and foremost, I am RG-86, the latest model in the RG series programmed to serve Lord Khan as General. My lord has sent me to Sandia to terminate any potential threat to his uprising. The humans were efficient in advance technology that would cause serious complications for my master if they knew about the takeover, so it is only logical to reprogram the machines to turn on their human masters by using my data corruption virus."

"So, are you saying that Khan decided to take out Sandia out of fear of retaliation?" questioned Stridius.

"Many realms have been subjugated by the other seven generals by force," RG-86 answers while pointing his finger at the two. "My master warned me that two warriors chosen by Phados will try and stop us. I may be an android, but I am still more powerful than you!"

"Hah! I would not bet on that, Trash Heap!" Hyperlad taunts the android. "Once we get rid of you, we will travel throughout the dimensions and take on your cohorts as well!"

Stridius glares at RG-86 as he thinks about Karen's counterpart, "You brought suffering to the people of Sandia! You turned technology which is supposed to help people into a monstrous thing. All just so you can appease your master! You, your colleagues, and your master will pay for this!" Hyperlad and Stridius both assume their fighting stances.

"Initiating combat mode..." the stoic android says, engaging the two masked boys as it extends claws from its fingertips.

The fight ensues as Hyperlad and Stridius charges at RG-86. They both try to land in a blow against RG-86, but the android countered every attack. It retaliates by slashing them with its claws.

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