Chapter 10 - Mysterious Bubblegum

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Melissa, Karen, Harvey, and Rebecca are sitting down, unsure of when they will suffer through Khan's taunts. The children are unaware that two days had passed since they last seen the dark lord. Rebecca is sitting close to Melissa. Melissa pats her on the head to assure her that things will be fine. Karen is looking towards the glass ceiling, watching out for Khoron Khan.

"You've been starting at the ceiling for a long time," Harvey said.

"It doesn't hurt to be cautious," Karen replies as she faces Harvey. "We've been here God only knows how long..." Karen looks towards Melissa giving the little Rebecca comfort. "The poor thing is scared beyond belief by this Khoron Khan. I hope we can find a way to get out here."

"You think that our teacher and classmates knows that we're gone?" asked Harvey.

"Maybe, or maybe not," Karen ponders. "When the sky turned dark and the Shadow Monks came, I did not see anyone else. Otherwise, we would have heard our teacher and classmates coming to save us."

Melissa also adds her say in the matter, "I think that Khan's minions have the ability to stop time. Maybe, that could explain it?"

"Sounds possible," said Karen, folding her arms. "It probably won't be long until they realize that we are gone and get our parents involved in this." She thinks of her other two friends, "Since Jason and Malcolm are out there somewhere, let's hope they can save us from Malice Khan."

Karen gazes up at the ceiling once more, while the others wonder what will happen next.


Jason and Malcolm are in the Realm of Crystals, where Phados resides. The two boys tried to figure out their next move in regards of finding the next lead to Khan's realm. So far, they have not found any leads. In the meantime, Jason and Malcolm are training themselves in a vast space to sharpen their skills as their alter egos. They both gotten better from the last battle, but they still have much to learn if they want to defeat Khoron Khan and his generals.

Stridius stretches his arms to attack his friend, but he misses. "You have to do better than that!" Hyperlad mocks.

Hyperlad flies towards him and kicks him in the face. Just when Hyperlad is getting the upper hand, Stridius rebounds quickly and grabs his friend's leg to toss him away.

"Crap!" said Hyperlad. He does everything in his power to stop himself from tossed in the darkness of the realm by flying.

Stridius saw this and starts throwing energy spheres at him. Hyperlad shows an impressive display of flight as he dodges everything that his friend throws at him. He then starts to become cocky which will cost him to get hit by two of Stridius' spheres.

"Now, you're mine!" said Stridius, flying towards him.

Soon as Stridius is about to land a hit, they both hear the voice of Phados calling them back to the main chamber. "Huh?" Stridius said, looking around.

"Sounds like Phados may have found a lead," said Hyperlad. With their training finished for now, the masked duo flies back to the main chamber to meet with Phados.

The two changed back into their regular selves and meet up with the guardian deity. "Have you found out about our next destination, Phados?" asked Jason.

"The realm in question do has trouble with an evil force," Phados answers.

"An evil force?" questioned Malcolm. "It's must be one of Khan's generals."

Before the guardian deity answers his question, Phados summons a crystal to show them an image of a realm that has mountains, ponds, and green plains. Another viewing displays the natives of the realm being under attack by winged humanoid monsters with horns on their heads.

The Outer Realms - Vol.1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora