Final Chapter - There's Something About Marie

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Back in the realm of Earth, in the city of Hartford, the gang's tormentor, Marie is wandering the streets as she makes her way home. As she walks, people stares her down, viewing her choice of attire to be very strange. Some even make snide remarks behind her back. Even though she hears them and would very much want to kill them, Marie decides against it as she does not want to deal with the police again and spend her days in a prison cell.

"You guys are lucky that the cops are on my ass..." Marie mutters angrily under her breath, holding back the urge to engage in a quarrel with them.


Marie eventually arrives at her home, which she lives in a trailer park near Bloomfield. Though she is universally hated in town for her psychotic behavior and fashion choices, Marie is even hated in her own home. Her own family resents her. After hearing the stunt she pulled during the field trip at Kenny Park, they glares at her.

Marie's mother steps over to face her. The mother is a brunette who wears a white wrinkled unbuttoned shirt with a red blouse beneath it, and a blue jeans. The family isn't financially well off as noticed by the poor state of their home and clothing. The mother is so mad at Marie, she starts to yell at her while the rest of the family stare her down, "Where have you been, Marie!?"

"Where do you think, Gladys?" Marie wisecracks while calling her mother by name. "I was in jail for a while!"

"Could you at least keep yourself out of trouble!?" Gladys retorts. "You're making us look bad!"

"Like I give a shit!" Marie shoots back. "You guys are always getting in my way!"

A blond boy wearing a baseball cap and a dirty white shirt and overalls approaches Marie with the intent of telling her off. He is Marie's older brother. "You are so selfish! No wonder people don't respect you. You don't care about anyone else's feelings."

When her brother said that, it makes her laugh, "Hahaha! You really think I care, Bro!?"

"We also heard about your attempted murder, Marie!" her sister who wears a pink hoodie steps in.

"We also heard about your attempted murder, Marie!" her sister who wears a pink hoodie steps in

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"What of it?" Marie nonchalantly replies.

"I am honestly surprised that they allowed you to walk free!" her sister says, while glaring.

"I guess even the cops can't resist my charms," Marie laughs devilishly.

"You are so lucky that I can't throw you out...!" her mother scowls.

"Umm-hmm, whatever you say, Gladys," Marie mocks her mother. She laughs as she makes her way into her room.


Once night fell and everything settles down a little, Marie is sitting on her bed. Her room is what you'd expect from a goth girl with many skeletal decorations, black rosaries, a red lamp, and black sheets covering the windows. She even has a pet rattlesnake that is resting in a glass tank, much to her family dismay.

Marie is mumbling to herself about her family and the rest of the people bothering her, "Where do those people get off by challenging me! My so-called family always tries to pick a fight with me just because I don't fit in with them. Hmph! If only I had the money to move out on my own! That way, I don't have to deal with this shit anymore!"

Marie stands up from her bed and walks over to the glass tank where her pet snake is, "What am I saying? You are always there for me, little one." Touching a rattlesnake is obviously very dangerous, but Marie is somehow able to tame such a wild snake by gently stroking its head. Despite her having problems with people, she is very caring towards snakes and reptiles and has a natural talent of taming them.

"Who's a good boy..." says Marie, pampering her pet snake. "Once I have enough money, I will leave this crappy trailer for good and live the good life. You and me..."

Marie then makes her way to her drawer, which is on the left side near her bed. On top of it, is a black box adorned with golden crests. She opens the black box and looks at the contents inside it.

Inside the box, is a strange glowing pink orb. The orb appears to be not of this world as glows an eerie pink light. Where Marie obtain such an item or what it does is unknown, but looking at it gives her a calming sensation.

"So, beautiful..." says Marie, mesmerized by the beautiful glow of the orb. She grabs the orb to get a better look at it. "Maybe, if I can sell this thing for some cash, but at the same time, I kinda don't want to."


Unknown to Marie and her family, they are currently being watched by Khan's shadow monks. Why they are here is currently unknown. But, it seems they take an interest in Marie.


Marie sits on her bed with the orb in hand. As she gazes at the orb, Marie begins to think about Jason and his friends. She really has it in for Melissa as she is the one who is in the way of getting to her love interest. Even though she tried to kill Jason out of a fit of rage when he rejected her advances, Marie actually do feels remorse for her actions. When she heard that Jason and his friends have gone missing, all she could think about the well-being of Jason. She lies on her left side, holds the orb tightly to her chest, and begin to shed a tear for her beloved Jason.

"...Jason, please be safe."

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