Chapter Two: Part 1

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Chapter Two.


Sam regained consciousness with a splitting headache. The pain pulsated in his brain causing his vision to go dark from time to time. He felt a cold sensation of steel on his back and realized he was lying on a hard metal bench. Almost immediately a nauseating stench assaulted his nose. The smell was so strong that he couldn't help but to pinch his nose with his hand.

He slowly rose and sat up. He checked the front side of his head with his fingers and felt a big sized bump on his temple. His vision somewhat cleared up and he could see where he was. It wasn't that hard to guess as the first thing he saw were the thick metal bars on the door.

There was no light in the room but surrounding lights from the hallway were enough to illuminate the small holding cell. Sam could also see the source of the smell, a rundown toilet in the corner.

There was no doubt he was in police lock-up. He guessed the thing that chased him must've turned him to the police or it was police itself.

But where was Roy? How come he didn't stop them?

Also, he was kicking himself for making such a stupid blunder. And started thinking about what the best course of action was for now. The police were sure to question him. And if they recognise him-

He needed to contact Roy as soon as possible and hope that his hair and beard would somehow provide a cover. He also made up his act-as a 'normal person who is scared because he doesn't know why the police is holding him.'

A shadow covered the hallway light from coming into his cell. Sam lifted his head and saw a young black officer peeking in. Sam could tell the young officer was a rookie even if he didn't saw the lone stripe on his arm sleeve. The young man looked as if he was still not comfortable with his uniform. He spotted Sam sitting on the bench and ran out presumably to give the news to his senior colleagues.

Sam didn't need to wait that long. The young officer returned with an experienced officer. He was stocky, in his mid-fifties and gave of the aura of a man who spent a long time on the job. He unlocked the cell door and spoke aiming at Sam in a deep voice,

"Please stand up, step forward and put your hands behind your back."

Sam did as he was told. He had trouble balancing his body courtesy of the pain in his head but directed extra force towards his legs to stand steadily.

The young officer took out a pair of handcuffs and started to walk towards him. He saw the name 'Walker' carved on his nameplate as he went behind and started to lock his arms with handcuffs.

"Am I under arrest?" Sam inquired.

The officer replied putting his hand on his hips,

"No, you are not under arrest. But you were found trespassing a private property and a possible crime scene- or so I was told. So, our detective wanted to have a chat with you."

Sam also saw the older officer's nameplate and apparently his name was Gilbert. He asked as soon he heard he was not under arrest,

"So, can I get my phone call?"

Gilbert shook his head,

"Not so fast Mister. As you were found under suspicious circumstances you will be first interrogated by a detective. After that you might get your call."

"Interrogation!" Sam exclaimed, "Isn't that a little too extreme? And I promise I am not anyone suspicious! I know the owner of the castle!"

"Tell that to her. Now stop stalling and start walking." He signalled the young officer behind him, who grabbed Sam's arms and started to walk forward.

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