Part 3

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"Don't play dumb. Answer me truthfully-Who are you?"

Sam didn't immediately respond to Parker's question. He knew she wouldn't rest easy until she had a satisfactory answer about him. He couldn't fault her though as it was a natural reaction. If he could've shown his id to her all of this hassle would be over. But problem is-it won't be ready until the end of the week. And then he wouldn't need explain it to her as he would be gone at the first chance.

He had one option to create his virtual identity but the situation was not that dire so he didn't need to use that.

He exclaimed with fake surprise,

"This again? I thought we straightened this out yesterday!"

"You say that but when I inquired about you, I found nothing. No photo, no Dmv license or anything about your supposed P.I business. Explain to me why's that?" Parker took a bite out of her food after she finished speaking. But contrary to what she expected, Sam again replied something ridiculous in a cheerful manner,

"Oh my- I didn't know you were so interested in me! I don't normally talk about myself until the second date but how can I refuse when someone beautiful like you asks-" He shrugged and flashed Parker a mischievous smile.

Parker face blushed. He couldn't tell if it was because of what he said or because she was angry. Scratch that, she was angry. She was definitely angry! She looked like she would start strangling him right there and then. But she managed to calm herself by inhaling deep breaths. She glared at Sam, her eyes spitting fire. But Sam could only think- By god was she looking pretty when she was angry. Parker swallowed the food and warned him,

"Answer me seriously. Or else I will start beating you here without regards to any consequence."

Sam hurriedly put his hands up in a defensive posture,

"Calm down Woman! Geez- can't you take a little fun? Tell me- why do you need to remain so uptight all the time? I barely know you for two days and even I can tell that you are wasting your youth being so strict and tense. Can't you just take a moment to stop, let your hair down, have a little fun being carefree like the rest of the twenty something year old's? If you go around living like this you would have nothing but regrets later." Sam started in a high pitch voice in an attempt to calm Parker down but by the end his voice turned wistful.

"I didn't ask for the philosophical advice-Nietzsche! And besides, you are not that much older than me to spout stuff like that." Parker immediately retorted without caring for his tone.

Sam lifted his chin, "I'm old in spirit."

"Hah-hah, You are funny. Now tell me what I want to know." Parker put down the food and concentrated all her attention to Sam.

Sam also brought down his gaze on Parker's face. Her eating style was messy and unladylike as she got crumbs all over her face. He guessed, being in the marines made her tough and boyish- which was not a bad thing. Messy people were good people. He thought of something and opened his mouth as his eyes twinkled,

"You know what-I'll answer all your questions if you do what I say." He clarified seeing her scrunched up face, "Don't worry- it's not something bad or embarrassing. It's just a simple little thing. It's entirely up to you whether you do it or not."

Still Parker eyed Sam suspiciously. She thought about his offer for a while and figured what's the worst that could happen? She could always refuse if he said anything outrageous. She opened her mouth,

"You'll stop stalling after that right? You are going to tell me everything I want to know?"

Sam exaggeratedly nodded his head.

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