Chapter Four: Part 1

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Chapter Four.


They returned back to Roy's bar before 1 p.m. Partly because of the empty road and partly because of Parker's frenzied driving. Even though the legal limit was written on every milepost on the road, they were so faded that you couldn't read what was on it anymore. There were very few exceptions to this, the mileposts on the sharp corners were replaced in every 5 years because of the high-risk factor on those areas. So, many of the residents drove on their own pace, just slowing down at the curves. And Parker was no exception. She also drove on without caring for the speed defined on the signs and Sam saw the hand of the speedometer hit high 80s to 90s a few times. She would abruptly slow down around the curves though and cause Sam to tighten his grip on the seat handle as to not jerk around by the centrifugal force. He guessed that was how she normally drove and he didn't mind that since Roy also drove pretty similarly.

When they entered the bar, they were greeted with a unique scenery. There was a stack of paper laid out on the top of the bar counter. Roy was arched over, holding a file of paper and a short bald older man was lording over him from the bar stool. Roy spotted them coming through the door. He stood up straight and rested the file on the table. The old man noticed Roy's gaze and turned around. He saw Parker and Sam walking up to him and spotted the police badge on Parker's belt. He thought they came for him so he asked,

"Are you guys here for me?"

"Yes and No." Parker replied taking the sit beside him.

Sam also walked around and sat down on the opposite side of him. He silently greeted Roy who also greeted him back. Mary was not present as she was attending her collage classes. He then turned around and said,

"Are you Mr. Edwards? Mr. Billy's lawyer?"

Mr. Edwards moved his gaze away from Parker and turned to Sam. He thought Sam was somewhat strange for a policeman but didn't say anything about that. He bobbed his head up and down,

"Yes- I'm Mr. Edwards. Edwards Blye. Lawyer." He rummaged his front coat pocket that was stuffed full with business cards and small papers. He picked a card and offered it to Sam.

It was a normal business card. A white square with the name 'Edwards Blye' written on the middle in black bold font. Under there were his occupation- Civil Litigator and his telephone number. Sam gave it to Parker and observed Mr. Edwards. He was in his early seventies but was surprisingly spry for his age. He was small in stature at about Mary's height. His smooth hairless head reflected the overhead light from above the bar and he had a thick gold rimmed round spectacles on his nose whose chains hung around from his neck. He also had no hair on his face and his eyes were restless but not in a bad way. He had a friendly grandpa vibe about him.

Parker examined the business card and put it in her pant pocket. Then she returned her eyes to Edwards and repeated Sam's question,

"So, Mr. Edwards- you were the recently deceased Mr. Billy's lawyer?"

"Yes. Yes, I am-I was." Mr. Edwards corrected his tenses. He seemed sad and it was quite clear from his face that the two of them were friends.

Parker inquired further,

"Can you elaborate? Like what's your work entailed and everything?"

Mr. Edwards flicked the frame of his glass as he answered Parker's question,

"I was Billy's POA- Power of Attorney when he was alive. You could say I handled all his legal and financial matters. But now that he's dead, my job as his POA is over. But he also named me his executer of will. So, here I am. Explaining his will and his financial matters to his next of kin- Roy here."

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