Part 2

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It took a few seconds for Parker to digest what had happened. She didn't know why Paul took Sam or what his cryptic comments about Sam suggested but she decided to wait ten minutes to see whether Paul would return with Sam or not. If Paul didn't return with Sam within ten minutes, she would go and see what's going on.

Breaking free from the ropes were never too difficult for her. She didn't because she thought she could extract some information about what was going on from the enemy. But She didn't expect for it to go down like it did. Granted, she got some information from Paul, like he or his henchmen had nothing to do with old man Billy's death- if she believes him and that they were searching for something that the Mafia left here- in the caves back in the 80s when police uprooted them from the area.

But that still didn't explain why Paul took Sam. Were they familiar with each other? No- Sam didn't seem to know Paul. No, even that felt wrong. Why did Sam not talk at all? She thought that Sam was observing Paul while she was talking and that's why he didn't talk at first. She thought that Sam would say something clever about Paul when the time was right, something to unsettle Paul and try to find out more information. But he just sat there, silent.

And although Paul seemed to not care about Sam at first, it seemed like he knew something about him, something that she didn't know. She felt frustrated. Everyone she met seemed to know something about Sam except her. She had decided, after she rescues Sam- she would beat the truth out of him this time about what he was hiding.

Time seemed to pass at a snail's pace. The way Parker was tied up prevented her from seeing her watch but she trusted her internal clock. So, she decided to close her eyes and conserve her energy.

Exactly after ten minutes had passed Parker opened her eyes. There was no response from the other side. So, she did what she decided to do.

It was a fortunate thing that the chair she was tied up in was made of wood. If it was made of metal or something like that, she could've also probably escape but not fully scot-free, she would've probably needed to dislocate her shoulder. But it wasn't made out of metals. It wasn't like she wouldn't sustain any injury from doing what she was going to do, but they would probably be very minor- only some bruising or scraping on her skin.

She rocked the chair first and from the sound it made she could tell that it wasn't a new chair which played into her favor. What she was going to do was very simple. She was going to slam the chair against the cave wall and break it. She didn't have any other choices as there were no wiggle room to move her hands or legs. The men had really tied her quite well. She couldn't move her legs but she could stand on them and because the chair wasn't bolted to the ground, she could uproot it.

Parker finally stood up after a couple of try. She couldn't stand straight for obvious reasons and was awkwardly bent around the waist with the chair- but she paid no heed to it as it wouldn't impede what she was about to do next. She was fortunate that it wasn't completely dark as the light from under the door allowed her to roughly make out the areas of the cave. So, she walked-or better description would be awkwardly hopped across the cave and stopped before the cave wall. The wall was uneven and rough which would help her break the chair faster.

Parker prepared for the battery her body was going to receive and started slamming the chair on the wall. Her body jolted and searing pain coursed through her whole body as the uneven parts of the chair returned the force with which she slammed the chair into the wall. The chair didn't break at the first try and it was a struggle for her to keep standing. But she grinded her teeth and persevered as she heard the creaking sounds of the joints and figured that it needed another ramming to completely break.

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