Part 3

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Parker interrogated Dennis for about five minutes but she didn't find out anything because Dennis really was the lowest rung on the ladder. He didn't know anything useful. His job for the most part was staying guard at this intersection and sometimes he would carry bags of equipment up to the caves in the hill. He didn't even know what equipment were in the bags that he was carrying. Parker saw no reason to continue grilling Dennis, so she gagged him and waited for Pavlo to come.

She didn't have to wait very long. Pavlo appeared from the third tunnel before the ten minutes mark was up. He didn't have any lights with him so, he was annoyed when he couldn't find Dennis at his appointed position. He barked out loud,

"Dennis! Where are you?"

"Here!" Parker allowed Dennis to give a short reply. Dennis would've tried to warn Pavlo if not for the knife on his throat, but he saw no reason to risk his own skin for someone he barely knew.

Pavlo realized where Dennis's was from his response. But he didn't like that Dennis was ignoring boss's orders,

"What the hell are you doing there?"

"Come and see for yourself!"

Pavlo became even more annoyed at Dennis's vague responses. He couldn't understand what Dennis saw that he had to summon him specifically. He couldn't possibly know that Dennis was just a bait to lure him out. So, he unsuspectedly entered the tunnel and walked past the turn, unaware of Parker's presence. But Dennis's body was too big to hide.

Pavlo stopped at the turn as his eyes fell on the Dennis's body. But Parker didn't give Pavlo enough time for his brain to comprehend what he'd just seen as she pounced from behind the moment Pavlo stopped. She wrapped her arms around Pavlo's neck in an arm triangle and kicked him on the back on his knee, on his popliteal fossa to break his stance and to hold him in a submission choke hold.

Pavlo tried to scream as his legs bent down and he lost balance of his body. He desperately clutched Parker's arms and tried to rip them from his neck. But Parker focused more power into her arms, which increased the pressure around Pavlo's neck and as his brain wasn't getting enough oxygen, his struggle became more and more powerless. Finally, after 30 seconds Pavlo's hands flopped to his side, lifeless, and his body became still as he lost consciousness.

Parker exhaled a long breath and let go of Pavlo's body. There was a reason why she was so proficient at stealthily incapacitating her enemies but that's a story for another time.

Her eyes met with Dennis, who was watching her with his eyes wide open with fear. She paid no heed to him and quickly tied up Pavlo's arms and legs. She then dragged both of their body to the intersection and sat on the chair to rest. Although it may seem she had subdued Pavlo easily, she expanded more energy than she'd like to. She still didn't reach Sam and didn't know what more obstacles lay on her path. So, she needed to conserve energy for later.

Not even a minute passed when the walkie-talkie on Parker's waist came alive. Parker fetched it from there and held it near her ear to listen in.

"Attention all units, this is HQ-We have a code blue in SR-13. I repeat, there is a code blue in SR-13.

SR-1, escort nearby units to SR-13. And the rest of you, report to HQ with your designated callsigns, Over."

"Acknowledged HQ. SR-1 is on our way to SR-13. Over."

"SR-2 is also reporting. Over."

"So is SR-3. Over."

One by one, all seven of them responded. Parker figured that they've found out about her escape. But they still didn't know where she was. She wasn't going to let go of her advantage. She again held the knife on Dennis's throat and spoke,

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