Part 4

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Fred nodded after he thought about it a little bit more. Yeah-the idea seemed sound. He could use Sam to help Liz. His niece was a good detective no doubt. She also had great instincts. But she lacked the experience when it came to reading people. He tried to teach her but they were far too similar in nature. He also relied on his instincts but he had the adequate experience to back him up. Fred was a beat cop in DC for ten years so he had the opportunity to interact with all kinds of people. But it was different for Parker. Because she was in the military, she was given a complementary title in police. Although he wanted her to become a detective quick, he didn't want that at the expense of her experience. And now he couldn't help her with her cases because he was the Captain. He had no doubt that she would be able to take care of herself out on the field but solving cases were a different matter altogether. And because he was the Captain now, he knew how many cases were actually stuck on her desk.

Sam was polar opposite. At times he could appear clumsy but Fred had yet to come across someone who was as good as Sam when it came to reading people. He was unparallel in this area. He was just what Parker needed. The reason Fred believed in Sam was because he saw Sam in action before. Sam effortlessly solved many cases which had completely stumped them.

Yes-that's it! The idea seemed better and better each time he considered it.

Sam was keenly observing Fred's face. He knew Fred had thought of something when he saw Fred's eyes light up. He couldn't guess what it was but he hoped it wasn't something tedious.

"What if I provide you a safe place? Where you wouldn't need to worry about them." Fred didn't say their name but he was pretty sure Sam got what he was talking about.

Sam was surprised. He had no idea that Fred would suggest an idea like this. But he didn't let surprise show on his face when he questioned,

"So, you think you can hide me? Here?"

"Why not?" Fred spoke confidently, "I like to think I'm a fairly influential person in this town. As a Captain, I've got the whole police force working under me. I think I can hide you better if your fake id had my official seal of approval. And I can also keep tabs on the other front for you."

Sam could guess that Fred was the Captain of this department from simple deductions. He was not going to lie to himself, what Fred presented was very lucrative. For the last couple of years, he always had to look over his shoulder to survive. And he was kind of tired of running. So, of course Fred's idea sounded very good. But he didn't let himself get carried away. He observed Fred eagle-eyed and asked,

"What's the catch?"

"Why do you assume there's one?" Fred looked like he was offended.

But Sam could tell he was just pretending. He shook his head,

"Because there usually is something or you wouldn't take such a risk and hide me here."

Fred smiled. His eye slanted and crease formed on the corner of his eyes showing that it was genuine. He spoke, smiling,

"Not something big. I just need you to teach some of your tricks to my niece-the detective who questioned you right before me."

"Absolutely not!" Sam instantly cried out. He didn't want to go to that headspace ever again. As his life progressed, he learnt that there were no upside to what he has. It only took and took. It destroyed his family, his life, his everything. And the frustrating thing was he couldn't turn it off. It was a constant reminder of his failures, his pain and his regrets.

"Well, I don't think you have any card left to play other than to go along with my plan." Fred remained undaunted. He knew he had Sam in the palm of his hands.

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