Author's Note.

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Author's note.

Hello Everyone!

Chasing Potatoes here. Hope you are having a good day. I don't know how you've managed to stumble across this novel but I'm really glad that you did. I just wanted to thank you very much for reading my novel.

I've always liked reading books since I was young and I was constantly amazed as to how a few thousand words could create such rich and vibrant worlds inside my mind. How the words could make me laugh, cry, experience delight and joy on as Heroes triumphs or agony and pain on their loss. So, it was only natural that I wanted to write too. I've written some short stories here and there but nothing this big. Also, English is my second language so, please forgive me if you find the writing subpar or any grammatical mistakes. But you have to start from somewhere. Because then you have the chance to improve. I'm striving to improve my writing so, my next work can turn out to be better, at least that is what I hope.

Again, I thank everyone who've read this novel and hope that you'll be with me on the next one as the story from this novel will have its conclusion on the next book.

Chasing Potatoes Out. 

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